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Forums - PC Discussion - everyone get a quad core

tiachopvutru said:
Katilian said:
a12331 said:
but when they cheaper than dual cores, they are a steal, and this one is one of the best cpus out there

Firstly, the E8400 is $189.99, so the quad core isn't cheaper. Secondly, it really depends on what you need. The E8400 is a more powerful chip per core than the Q6600 (Faster FSB, Faster Clock, 45nm). As has been mention, for the average user, they'll get more benefit out of the faster dual core than a slower quad core.


Actually, if some one runs a whole bunch of applications in the background, wouldn't the quad core be better?

I would consider an average user spamming a whole bunch of windows more than running any kind of extensive applications that might maximize the CPU usage.



Most of those applications are doing absolutely nothing 99% of the time. Multiple cores only show their true advantage when you are able to max out a single core. If you're running 100 applications, yet they only use 15% cpu time, it doesn't matter how many cores you have, you'll see no advantage because the work could be done by a single core. There are two main places you'll see an advantage:

1) When a single application maxes out a core and you are able to still get work done while it is in the background and

2) When a single application is able to max out numerous cores simultianiously.

The applications which fall into category 2 still tend to be restricted to power users (video/audio encoding, compression, simulations), although some games are finally utilising the power. The majority of the time however will be in example 1, where they fire off some application and while they are waiting for it to finish they do other work.


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Ill get it when its $100 with a motherboard. I find that $100 is the sweet spot that will get me a CPU good enough to run for 2 years along with a high end video card. No point in buying something that is only 20% faster for 100% more money when it will be just as worthless come 2 years time... well i take it back. Maybe if it uses less power and generates less heat. I might consider it then because modern CPU's and vid cards are getting out of hand.

I´ll probably wait until September-November to buy one, but I really need one of those things (An 8Gb of ram :P)

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For those $200 I will buy a Radeon HD4850... just thinking about it makes me feel all fuzzy :D

So Intel's price cut has happened.

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Nice price. I've been using my C2 Quad Q6600 ever since that first big price cut last year(when they released the good G0 overclockers :) ) Works like a charm!

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