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Is it just me, or is everyones age display 3 years off, if they are is there a particular reason?

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Mine displayed a year off so I just set my birth date a year earlier.

Mine is ok... I think >_>

its the same with the release dates its always a day earlier

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Mine isn't off, but then again I never even set mine (I don't know why).

I'm 18 anyways.

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sc94597 said:
Mine displayed a year off so I just set my birth date a year earlier.

Try switching the month and day numbers.  That is what I did.


Mines a year ahead.... always wonder this too

The slot in which you enter your birthday follows the British standard of Day/Month/Year instead of the other system, Month/Day/Year. Confused me for a while too.



I guess I dont mind being 3 years younger, its starting to bring back some memories

Mines fine, I think.

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