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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft Game Division 2007 Financials - XBox Loss, not as Big?

Why wait until the end of FY 08 to make an "analysis" of FY 07? This data is a year old.

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Slimebeast said:
PooperScooper said:
Slimebeast said:


IMO Pooper is attacking you with weak arguments. Ignore him, if he he won't stop.

Of course it is perfectly fine to make the assumptions you do, if you're gonna speculate weather or not the X360 is profitable or not.

Just try to structure your posts so that they're easier to follow (not just the numbers, but also be clear when you are making an assumption).


 If my arguement is weak why'd the other thread get locked for being a joke?


 I don't know. I missed that thread. Maybe he crossed the line when speculation becomes propaganda?

Assumptions in itself is not wrong, if you just declare clearly that you're making assumptions as a basis for a theory.


 Well basically he assumed so much just like this thread it was a complete joke and got locked. It was the "sony loses 11billion on Ps3" thread

Basically he is reporting assumptions. And there are dumb asses out there that wont graps that idea and think he is actually stating facts.

PooperScooper said:
bumidan said:

So you are saying that the only way I can make a post or thread is to
ACTUALLY KNOW with 100% certainty - all the numbers.

That means, that this whole site should be shut down because they are also ASSUMING and EXTRAPOLATING their numbers. Is that your position?

Like I mentioned previously (I just hope you understand it) - I NEVER claimed that I am correct. This is how you would do an analysis.

If you have never done something like this, admit it and just say you can't do it.

But if you can do an analysis like this, then show us how you do it, with actual number or "assumptions", then back up whatever it is you want to say.


 Difference between this and the site

The site has news, manufactures, other tracking places for help.

You only have half data from the companies and assume 20 different things to get your numbers

The site assume one number. You assume a hole bunch

The last thread you created was locked "You analysist is a joke" < that was the reason. This is also a joke.

I am assuming less than VGChartz.  I am assuming a few variables, whereas this site assumes, extrapolates hundreds of data points.

See, the logic goes like this.

If 1 individual store or retailer (out of thousands)  reports that they sell 5 consoles, then VGChartz has to extrapolate that all other stores are selling X number of consoles as well.  And that is just for 1 console.  REPEAT for all consoles and all games - that's a lot of assumptions.

VGChartz is even harder (AND IT DOES A WONDERFUL AND EXCELLENT JOB AT IT), because now they have to coordinate numbers between sources, individual stores, manufacturers, distributors, etc.

Do you see how that works?



Do you see the ? on my post - that means I am not sure.

Also, if you think that (some, majority, all??) forum readers are dumbasses, then that is your opinion.


Oh, because that's when I actually looked at. Previous to 2007, I didn't have a console. The last one I had was SNES about 12 to 15 years ago.

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Has anyone read anything on the projected 360 sales for the upcoming financial year?
(I think it was 9 million for the PS3 in the SONY report, and 28 million for the Wii in the NINTENDO report... could be remembering it wrong though).

Whatever MS's projection is will roughly set the marketshares for the upcoming year, so any speculation where the market is going will be over (why argue against Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft combined...)


For 9 months ending Mar 31, 2008 - MSFT said they shipped 7.5million X360 consoles


For the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2008, we expect revenue to increase due to increased sales of Xbox 360 consoles and related games, accessories, and services. Revenue from existing mobility and embedded devices is expected to increase due to unit volume increases of Windows Mobile software driven by increased market demand for phone-enabled devices and Windows Embedded operating systems. In April 2008, we acquired Danger, Inc., a software-as-a-service company that provides mobile operators with an integrated end-to-end solution to deliver mobile data and Internet services to their subscribers, for approximately $500 million in cash.

Guidance - FY08
Revenue Growth 33% - 34%

So I think maybe another 1.5 to 2.5 million consoles until the end of Jun 2008???

PooperScooper said:
Slimebeast said:
PooperScooper said:
Slimebeast said:


IMO Pooper is attacking you with weak arguments. Ignore him, if he he won't stop.

Of course it is perfectly fine to make the assumptions you do, if you're gonna speculate weather or not the X360 is profitable or not.

Just try to structure your posts so that they're easier to follow (not just the numbers, but also be clear when you are making an assumption).


 If my arguement is weak why'd the other thread get locked for being a joke?


 I don't know. I missed that thread. Maybe he crossed the line when speculation becomes propaganda?

Assumptions in itself is not wrong, if you just declare clearly that you're making assumptions as a basis for a theory.


 Well basically he assumed so much just like this thread it was a complete joke and got locked. It was the "sony loses 11billion on Ps3" thread

Basically he is reporting assumptions. And there are dumb asses out there that wont graps that idea and think he is actually stating facts.


 I read it now. Almost everyone that replied missed bumidian's main point, which goes rufly like this:

If we know Sony Entertainment division lost rufly $3.2 billion in the last 2 years, it means either that

  • PS3 lost Sony $3.2 billion plus a bunch of billions, or
  • the PS2 and PSP haven't been very profitable to Sony in the last couple of years, in contrast to what people believe.

bumidian got roasted and hanged because Sony-fans are very sensitive about this issue.

For FY 2008 - 9 months ending Mar 2008

Revenue (EDD) = 6,565 Billion
Operating Income = 0.614 Billion

So they have made $614 Million so far (9 months).

I think they are projecting a total of about 8.5 to 9.0 Billion in total revenue for this division.
Wel'll see what kind of profit they can make.

Slimebeast said:
PooperScooper said:
Slimebeast said:
PooperScooper said:
Slimebeast said:


IMO Pooper is attacking you with weak arguments. Ignore him, if he he won't stop.

Of course it is perfectly fine to make the assumptions you do, if you're gonna speculate weather or not the X360 is profitable or not.

Just try to structure your posts so that they're easier to follow (not just the numbers, but also be clear when you are making an assumption).


 If my arguement is weak why'd the other thread get locked for being a joke?


 I don't know. I missed that thread. Maybe he crossed the line when speculation becomes propaganda?

Assumptions in itself is not wrong, if you just declare clearly that you're making assumptions as a basis for a theory.


 Well basically he assumed so much just like this thread it was a complete joke and got locked. It was the "sony loses 11billion on Ps3" thread

Basically he is reporting assumptions. And there are dumb asses out there that wont graps that idea and think he is actually stating facts.


 I read it now. Almost everyone that replied missed bumidian's main point, which goes rufly like this:

If we know Sony Entertainment division lost rufly $3.2 billion in the last 2 years, it means either that

  • PS3 lost Sony $3.2 billion plus a bunch of billions, or
  • the PS2 and PSP haven't been very profitable to Sony in the last couple of years, in contrast to what people believe.

bumidian got roasted and hanged because Sony-fans are very sensitive about this issue.


 I think more people questioned the credibility and accuracy of his assumptions.