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For 9 months ending Mar 31, 2008 - MSFT said they shipped 7.5million X360 consoles


For the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2008, we expect revenue to increase due to increased sales of Xbox 360 consoles and related games, accessories, and services. Revenue from existing mobility and embedded devices is expected to increase due to unit volume increases of Windows Mobile software driven by increased market demand for phone-enabled devices and Windows Embedded operating systems. In April 2008, we acquired Danger, Inc., a software-as-a-service company that provides mobile operators with an integrated end-to-end solution to deliver mobile data and Internet services to their subscribers, for approximately $500 million in cash.

Guidance - FY08
Revenue Growth 33% - 34%

So I think maybe another 1.5 to 2.5 million consoles until the end of Jun 2008???