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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 Better than Gears 2?

resistance 2 is the first HD game of its kind to use a colour other then grey and brown.

That fact alone should make this game sell MILLIONS.


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Euphoria14 said:


You mean you played Gears 1?


 yea, in my friends house way back before his 360 crapped 4 times. I love it, its sick how you annihilate your enemies to scattered body parts, ill buy gears 2 if the 360 pro will drop another one hundred dollars, and if it craps, i'll take a chainsaw like it rightfully deserves

All I have to say is I love the reasons why GeOW2 will be better.

So far we have storyline.

So far we have "Gears was better than R1 so that means Gears 2 will be better than R2."

Yet nothing on innovation or added gameplay, weapons, online, noticable graphical upgrade, etc...

Come on people, we need information here. :)

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obieslut said:

From what i have seen of both games and this is coming from a SONY fan

Gears of war 2 seems to be the better game for graphics.

However if this video is anything to go by then RESISTANCE 2 IS GOING TO PWN GeOW 2


EDITED; to prevent any confusion i mean resistance 2 owning GeOW 2 graphically

That trailer is crazy, i loved it how the chimeran hybrid just savagely bit the unlucky soldier, tearing his neck like a piece of dog meat, then flung him like a rag across the beutiful green scenery, while war and chaos is busy erupting in the background, That is some sick graphics!


alucardremixed said:
Euphoria14 said:


You mean you played Gears 1?


 yea, in my friends house way back before his 360 crapped 4 times. I love it, its sick how you annihilate your enemies to scattered body parts, ill buy gears 2 if the 360 pro will drop another one hundred dollars, and if it craps, i'll take a chainsaw like it rightfully deserves


Well if it makes you feel any better I picked up my 360 in March and no problems yet.

I slaughtered it with playing Gears through twice, Fable for 8+ hours a day on weekends (yeah I know... I need a life), LO and BD (think of the hours there) and not a single hiccup yet other than Fable crashing my system a few times, but that is because the BC sucks on it, TLC had issues like crackling sounds, random crashes and framerate drops. Load times on it suck too, but that is expected when you run off a DVD and have no HDD support. Although I don't know why old XBox games load times suck so bad.


iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Around the Network
Euphoria14 said:
All I have to say is I love the reasons why GeOW2 will be better.

So far we have storyline.

So far we have "Gears was better than R1 so that means Gears 2 will be better than R2."

Yet nothing on innovation or added gameplay, weapons, online, noticable graphical upgrade, etc...

Come on people, we need information here. :)


 It seems odd to me how we posted up facts and links and trailers, while all the gears supporters say "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NOT BY A MILE, BECAUSE ITS "BETTER" THAN RFOM1" end

both resistance 2 and gear 2 will be top games.

fanboy reviewers will no doubt pump up gears reveiws, but resistance 2 will be the shooter for me this fall.

although i will still get hold of gears 2 but a pre-owned copy

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Just wait for E3, I think it will make a scene, if recent screens and videos are anything to go by. Leviathan alone beats Gears 2 enemies by 10 fold. As does the online.

I am just worried because Gears 1 online was horrible, I had so many lag issues and I don't wanna hear it's my internet either, it had no hiccups with 40 men on my screen in R1. I just hope they fix this and not just give up on it like they did before.

I must admit though, I love Gears single player campaign. Anyone know if it supposed to be longer than Gears 1 and if so, by how much?

R1 easily beat out Gears in single player time and I expect the same again.


Anyways, 5am here and I need some rest.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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