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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA sales up! X360 > Ps3

guess we'll have to wait and see.

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All signs seem to be pointing to a price reduction for the 360. Right now, MS doesn't have any overwhelming stimulus to increase hardware sales and current sales figures have been reflecting this. E3 announcements won't change that since everyone will have big announcements to unload.

Since Sony is committed to work on profitability, this is a key opportunity for MS to press its price advantage. They should ditch the 20GB altogether, which they may already be doing if the alleged 60GB SKU is a replacement rather than a 5th SKU. Clear out current 20GB stock at $299. Drop the price of the 120GB SKU to $400, or go as low as $350 if they really want to price aggressively.

Griffin said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
colonelstubbs said:
Low PS3 sales due to lack of there haters


lol, what if I said I saw 3 80gb MGS4 bundles in walmart, and over 10 at Best Buy down the street, collecting dust.

Of course, I didn't see that, but at least you would know how Wii owners feel when Wii's are going for 400 dollars on Ebay but every sony fanboy just saw 4 at his local walmart.

You can say "yeah right" all you want, but you can't disprove an anecdotal lie, which is why anecdotal evidence is pointless and should never be believed.


You already showed us in the other thread that the average selling price of the wii on ebay is $358. And how are people Sony Fanboys when they see wii's at their local stores. Many people in my wii thread had reported seeing wii's at local stores, and i don't remember seeing these "Sony fanboys" you talk about. Someone even posted Pictures, and everyone was more then welcomed to ask for the phone numbers to the stores i listed.

Don't take it personally, bro, I'm just saying that a few people always lie about the anecdotal evidence to make their whatever look better, certainly not everybody, and I'm sure there are a few Wii's on shelves, but I also bet there are a few MGS4 80gb bundles on shelves also.

There is no way the demand for that bundle is as great as for the Wii, so asking for or giving anecdotal evidence is really a grim satire of a meaningful discussion about supply and demand. That was my point. Nobody is calling you a liar. I just submit that the world is full of liars, and those lies often find themselves presented as evidence on internet message boards.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


First off the 360 Fanboys should be quiet because dispite the fact the 80 gig was supply constrained this past week the PS3 Still outsold it by over 40k WW. Dipite the fact the Hardware numbers dropped signifigantly in all rgeions the PS3 outsold the 360 by over 40k this week. Dispite the 80 gig shortages the PS3 and 360 sold reletively equalin NA this week. When lokking at it from a realistic sense, there is nothing 360 fanboys should be chearing about. Oh and as far as the comment above about the 360 price drop goes...We clearly know the 80 gig is in high demand, we don't however know if a price drop would help the 360 at all or how much. There is a big difference there.

saprano1 said:

Sales go up and down, the ps3 will beat the wii WW again soon enough......and trestes i dont think you say that like you know it as fact, wii is selling yes but so is the ps3. ps3 sales are only going up from here on out, so i can can also say ps3 domination is going to happen from now on to. but im not, that would be know you wii owners always bring up sales when you want to say the wii is better than another console, yea thats too bad all major 3rdparty games are showing up on ps3. you would of thought the wii would have those games on lock since its selling so well, i mean come on 28 million sold and all you guys have to look forword to is more wii fit type games,cooking games, and othere games that appeal to mom and dad....i think ill still to ps3 where the best games are at...........have fun excersizing.


Actually, historically, console sales usually peak in year 3 and then dropoff.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Around the Network

This thread wasn't nearly as epic as it was hyped to be. A quick Leo-j spark and a flaming fanboy. Leo-j isn't nearly as fun to watch after returning from his permaban. He's toned things down a lot. And frankly he's become a member, while having a clear fan bias, he doesn't explode in fiery fanboy flames over a single piece of news. Overall, though, I prefer the new Leo-j.

OT: People may start realizing that one game can't alter the past.

saprano1 said:
darconi said:
I just checked ebay. The only PS3 MGS bundles that have any bids on it are the ones that are retail or below retail in price with not much time left on the bid.

The ones going at premiums are devoid of activity. Say again about demand?


Thats ebay, why are you using ebay for proof to see if something is in high demand or not?


Two things. In a couple of weeks, the demand from the 80gb sku will be clear as day. Second, Ebay is the most accurate stick by which we can measure worldwide demand, however we can't use it as a snapshot. Demand will reveal itself over time. One of the most telling factors will be the average sales price for the 80gb mgs4 ps3 bundle, which is:

Items like yours that sold successfully have an average starting price of $209.00 and an average sold price of $437.00. You can also try searching completed listings.

Now dont' go crazy, cause this numbers means nothing, and I'll explain why.

On Amazon stores we have a starting price of 649.90


Now, lets assume that many PS3 MGS4 bundles were sold for what I assume 499.99 dollars.

We must also assume that a vast amount of these were sold at a cheaper price on ebay, before supply constrainment, as preorders.


The information is directly contradictive, it seems, so we can't really make a determination from ebay, as for demand at this time.

However, it appears that unlike the Wii, few people are willing to spend 100 extra dollars to obtain the 80gb model, understandably.

We can also determine that as no new stock has made its way into the channel, price has risen on ebay and while there are some available at 640 dollars, they are very likely not moving at that price. So, with virtually no stock whatsoever in the channel, we have the machines selling as rare and highly priced items, which means again, it's impossible to use ebay this time to determine any kind of demand.


However, that's not to say that ebay isn't a very useful tool. It just is much easier to use when there are large numbers of stock on ebay, which force the stock to be competitive and price with demand, rather than as a luxery or rare item.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


SWA_JM_Obi-Wan said:
First off the 360 Fanboys should be quiet because dispite the fact the 80 gig was supply constrained this past week the PS3 Still outsold it by over 40k WW. Dipite the fact the Hardware numbers dropped signifigantly in all rgeions the PS3 outsold the 360 by over 40k this week. Dispite the 80 gig shortages the PS3 and 360 sold reletively equalin NA this week. When lokking at it from a realistic sense, there is nothing 360 fanboys should be chearing about. Oh and as far as the comment above about the 360 price drop goes...We clearly know the 80 gig is in high demand, we don't however know if a price drop would help the 360 at all or how much. There is a big difference there.


You understand what you're sayin' right? We're talking about the second week of the biggest PS3 title since launch. Do you realize this?

Sure there is something that 360 fanboys should be chearing about. Games are coming, blockbusters will be here by fall, and 360 makes profit. And MS doesn't drop the price, sits back and loughs. And Gears 2 looks EPIC.

You can do all the damage control you want. The fact that MGS4 is a hardcore game with less impact than SDF wishes , doesn't change.


NJ5 said:
Soriku said:

Btw, the Wii is gaining more marketshare! Currently at 45.9%.

Gotta love the folks who still think 50% won't happen, even though Nintendo didn't even increase production yet.


I thought end of May? So the higher production should hit the US soon. Maybe the high number this week was the rest of the Stock NoA had, releasing it, because they expect higher shipments next week?


Production was reported as effective July. Whether that means suddenly all shipments will see a 33% increase (1.8m/month to 2.4m/month) or it will be gradual was not actually specified. The latter seems more likely unless a magical "increase production instantly button" is pressed.

Until consistent weekly sales above 415k per week are confirmed, it either means a lot of consoles are sitting on retail shelves (regular stock, easy to confirm), hundreds of thousands are sitting in warehouses (early stock for the holidays which is too early), or production is not yet at the claimed increase to roughly 550k per week.