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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Castlevania Judgement for Wii... and it's a fighter?!

I see no one reply to my post anyways the truth hurt nintendo fans. I am sorry for you,you should go and burn the offices of konami and demand a platform game.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
I'll buy it no matter what. I love the Castlevania series. UC was a freakin' on rails shooter and I bought that on day one. Let's not kid ourselves, Alucard, fighting game, dark metamorphasis, money floating from my wallet.

You'll be needing a Wii to do that Zen.


I'm actually at Konami's house right now wondering which window to break.

lightbleeder said:
Wait a minute, first Wii gets a hack n' slash version of Soulcalibur, then it gets a fighting version of Castlevania?? WTF?? What's coming next??? A kart racing version of Resident Evil??

That would be awesome. Imagine the gore involved in running over Zombies.



My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Wake me up when this nightmare is over...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Very disappointing. My Wii plays Brawl and Soul Calibur 2, I really don't feel the need for another fighter.

And if I did, there's Bleach, Guilty Gear, Mortal Kombat, and a hundred different versions of Naruto to choose from.

Edit: Oh, and Clone Wars and Force Unleashed. Best case scenario is that the fighting aspect of this Castlevania is a bonus/multiplayer feature like in TFU.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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ctk495 said:
No offence but this makes me laugh. Wii owners thought that they would get some respect from third parties and look what happen.... Ubisoft casual division and now this a Catlevania game but it a fighting game(sigh). Just like last year when the wii got Soul Calibur legends,this sucks for wii owners.They are not getting respect rockband just came out recently gimped and late without online nor downlable content.The only wii third party game that I am looking forward is GHIII but that's also coming to the ps2.............................................


Are you telling me Baby Partyz won't be AAA Heaven?


NiKKoM said:
Wake me up when this nightmare is over...


only if you wake me up before you go-go

Why konami?!


i was expecting something like the Ds Castlevania but this is surprise, beat 'em genre has become one of the most niche genres even for big name fighting games, if this don't sell well it will be another excuse to say wii 3rd party games don't sell, come on konami you can do better

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
RPG_Fanatic said:
I don't know what to say about that. I will reserve judgement until after I learn more about the game.


MIght want to wait til you see more about it until you reserve it.

Sorry play on words considering the subtitle is Judgement haha.  I couldn't resist.

Anyways I'm not dissappointed.  Maybe this is because I've never played a Castlevania game but I think this is fine.  I just need to find out the details now.