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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MGS4 - Best game I played in years!

well its a great game, amazing even. Glad to see you enjoy ur pruchase. I still have not found a game to match my favorite game :(. So i envy you for you have felt it.

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windbane said:
Fishie said:
el_rika said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
MGS4 is the best game I've played,this gen.


MGS4 is the best game i played since MGS3 and honestly i'm afraid there will never be another game of this calibur. I'm very glad it got the recognition it deserves from critics and fans as it is without question the pinnacle of gaming.


Critically as well as saleswise it is losing big time against GTAIV.


Yeah, it must not be good if it doesn't outsell the highest selling game of this generation.

How many threads do you need to hate on this one game, though?  At the time of this post, you have 69 posts and I think every single one might be anti-MGS4 posts.

According to mr konicchiwaa, fishy is knowin in the gaming industry somehow..

In any case, just because his opinion is that the game sucks, its my opinion to say his opinion sucks, but hey thats just me.



Fishie said:
MGS4 clasifies as a game now?
Weird, I always saw it as a pretentious and stupid cutscene fest with some parts where the player has to press some buttons to circumvent stupid AI situations in.
Oh and a whole lot of crap about nanotech too.

You are welcome to your opinion (as is everyone), but try to be more "polite" about it please. This is pretty much the definition of trolling.

@all: just ignore this post, and continue to praise MGS (as the thread is about). If this turns into a flame thread, it may have to be locked :(


Gesta Non Verba

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Fun thread


More fun then MGS 4 anyway

Fishie said:

Fun thread


More fun then MGS 4 anyway

Stupid - start with a 1 day ban, and if you do this again - you can troll some other site for good.


Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

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i loved this game too, i just wish it had more replay value

"I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all- you live in the heart of the beast." 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

HeroeDeLeyenda said:
i loved this game too, i just wish it had more replay value


 If you don't think it does, maybe the trophies coming out in the next coming weeks will give you some motivation.

i have been playin mgs4 and just love it, i spend hours secretly killing guards, and torchin them with the petrol bombs, i dragged 8 enemies, in to one corner, and torched them alive, you should of seen them all moving round , started to scare in me fact, and the online i just keep thinking about it at work, and how i should and need to get back from work just to play it

oh yeh, note, i completed act 1 in 8 hours, on normal. alot of ppl said that was some long time, but heck i mess about loads of that game for fun,

i completed portable ops on normal  in 26hours

cheapest ps3 games - checkout Chris browns new forever tune - lifes a beech just like my avatar

GetALife said:

i have been playin mgs4 and just love it, i spend hours secretly killing guards, and torchin them with the petrol bombs, i dragged 8 enemies, in to one corner, and torched them alive, you should of seen them all moving round , started to scare in me fact, and the online i just keep thinking about it at work, and how i should and need to get back from work just to play it

oh yeh, note, i completed act 1 in 8 hours, on normal. alot of ppl said that was some long time, but heck i mess about loads of that game for fun,

i completed portable ops on normal  in 26hours

Wow, that is a scary image of burning guys. Did you have the camera? That would have made for a nice picture. You can upload them to your hard drive as a JPEG, too, so you can transfer it anywhere.