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Forums - Gaming Discussion - MGS4 - Best game I played in years!

Whoow, what a game! That's all I can say really... This game totally impressed me whilst my expectations weren't that high!

I was able to get it for 48$ (not refurbished) at a local gamestore... Somekind of promotion going on! Also picked up Brawl for 35$.

Brawl didn't work on my Wii. Had to send it of to Nintendo, so I popped in MGS4. And DAMN that game is DEEP! It has a beautiful cinematic feel to it! The cinematics and the in-game stuff look identical! The game really is BEAUTIFUL! It has a brilliant story! Everything... Just damn!

This game even beats out Half Life 2 for me! And shit... That game was awesome too!

It took me 3 hours to beat the first Act (on the hardest level, first playthrough)... And I wanna play more of this awesome game!...

I'm not even pissed that I can't have my Wii around for a few weeks because Nintendo is going to fix my lense!


MGS4 - The first KILLER 3rd-party exclusive for Sony!... 


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I'm glad you are enjoying the game, and hope that you enjoy the later acts just as much. It's a very fun game with a great cinematic feel as you mention.


I agree with every word you said.



Glad you enjoyed the game, but do you need to troll 360 fans when you are talking about how much you enjoyed MGS4 because I honestly don't see the connection?

YOu mean the "honestly don't think it could've been done on the 360" part Darryl.

Yeah he probably should've left that out, always best to try not to rile people up unnecessarily.


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I envy you. I wish I could go back and experience it for the first time again. :)

@ largedaryll; better?!... But let me tell ya something; It's the hard truth! You should start accepting it!


I guess you edited your OP.  Why would I care one way or the other if you bash the 360, I'm just questioning the reasoning behind bringing up the 360 in this thread.  That's like me making a thread talking about how much fun Wii Sports boxing is and then ending with a dig at the Sixaxis/DS3.

Were you a fan of the previous MGS games?

largedarryl said:
I guess you edited your OP.

Were you a fan of the previous MGS games?


 Nope... Only had Nintendo consoles back then... I'm still searching for The Twin Snakes for GC though!

I just watched the Gametrailers series about the plot and characters of part 1-3...


I need to play this game!! I've got 1 month til I leave for Army Basic Training I only have $30 and Blockbusters never fucking has it.....the clock is ticking.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->