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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft to get more aggressive in Europe.

Ail said:
reask said:
NiKKoM said:
They should remove every trace of Microsoft of the xbox360.. Europeans don't like Big American Company's.. :) I mean how many times has the European Union gave a Milions++++ fine to Microsoft? :D


so sony is a nicer company? cmon they are both massive companys with one thing in common. that is coming out top dog.


Sony is typically viewed as an electronics company producing quality expensive stuff but for those that can afford it it's usually the consensus in continental europe that the quality is worth the extra cost...( Philips used to be ahead of them but Sony has caught up and even gone ahead of them).

Brand strenght is usually more important in Europe as the idea of bringing back a defective item to get it replaced is not liked at all in Europe..




yeah and both are shitty high end electronics company for public use (they do good professional material)... once again even if people behave like they know their stuff and buy goods because it got a 5 star on ZDnet doesn't mean it's actually a good product....

Sony does have a good line of LCD HD TV right now... but LCD is not even the best tech at the best price right now.... it's just for fancy people who don't know shit about TVs....

so you'll have to come back for quality... Sony is certainly not one of them even if people like to believe so... that's like BOSE and BANG&OLUFSEN for speakers.... what a scam!!!


now about MS it is worldwide that this brand is disliked.... mainly for one reason because everybody has a geek friend or friend being a mac lover or linux lover that tell them MS is evil MS is bad.... and that stigma is dating since prior the creation of apple computer... when the open source geek squad hippie movement started and Bill started to make it a business and ultimately reached a monopoly and killed a lot of those guys.... MS his hated because it's doing what any company is doing on other market... but Bill did it in the world of techno hippies and anrcho cyber punks... that's the one and only reason.....

bottom line most people don't even know why they don't like MS its just a tradition and they keep using windows everyday and MS office like good little sheeps


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The Mann said:
obieslut said:
Theres nothing they can do. if that big price-cut didnt work then nothing will.

What left can they do to win europe


Please explain to me how the price-cut did not work? Because the way i see it the price cut did what it was supposed to.


When i said didnt work i ment more like hasnt put the past the Wii or PS3 in europian sales

reask said:
NiKKoM said:
reask said:
NiKKoM said:
They should remove every trace of Microsoft of the xbox360.. Europeans don't like Big American Company's.. :) I mean how many times has the European Union gave a Milions++++ fine to Microsoft? :D


 so sony is a nicer company? cmon they are both massive companys with one thing in common. that is coming out top dog.


No.. that with the fines was just a side joke..  didn't you see the :D?? But Sony does have a better reputation than Microsoft as in better hardware, reliable, products like: Walkman, Discman PS2 etc.. While Microsoft will always be associeted with Windows.. wma, internet explorer.. products which are.. medioric..

sorry I dont fully understand all this internet lingo but yes sony does have a better reputation but remember you are only as good as your last gig.

what I mean is you cannot live off the reputation of the ps2 forever.


That's the whole point.. Sony doesn't live of the PS2 reputation.. It has made dozens of great products.. Which we Europeans love & trust... Microsoft hasn't got that reputation that we love & trust.. It's almost hate..



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
reask said:
NiKKoM said:
reask said:
NiKKoM said:
They should remove every trace of Microsoft of the xbox360.. Europeans don't like Big American Company's.. :) I mean how many times has the European Union gave a Milions++++ fine to Microsoft? :D


so sony is a nicer company? cmon they are both massive companys with one thing in common. that is coming out top dog.


No.. that with the fines was just a side joke.. didn't you see the :D?? But Sony does have a better reputation than Microsoft as in better hardware, reliable, products like: Walkman, Discman PS2 etc.. While Microsoft will always be associeted with Windows.. wma, internet explorer.. products which are.. medioric..

sorry I dont fully understand all this internet lingo but yes sony does have a better reputation but remember you are only as good as your last gig.

what I mean is you cannot live off the reputation of the ps2 forever.


That's the whole point.. Sony doesn't live of the PS2 reputation.. It has made dozens of great products.. Which we Europeans love & trust... Microsoft hasn't got that reputation that we love & trust.. It's almost hate..


oh yeah like what in the past 10 years ???? could be more years but lets keep it simple.... and especially so I don't get the Walkman argument


JaggedSac said:
Euros hate Microsoft. Japs hate Microsoft. Americans hate Microsoft. They just happen to bring games to their console that Americans fucking love.


We don't hate Microsoft. For sure not. Some nerds are trying to make MS look bad. It is just a fad. Actually Europe is very neutral.


But MS is doing NO marketing here. Sony has spent millions of € to sponsor the UEFA Champions League. They are well placed since 1997! Just this one will cost 40 million / year! MS is doing nothing that could be compared to this one. a sponsorship for the european Championship would have been very nice. Europe is just all about football (or soccer, as you strange people over there call it :D)


Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

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The only thing that us europeans like about microsoft is windows xp. Thats really the only thing they have left because everybody i know hates vista.

The x360 in the uk is popular though but us UK people are like sheep and follow whatever is popular in america. :D

endimion said:
NiKKoM said:
reask said:
NiKKoM said:
reask said:
NiKKoM said:
They should remove every trace of Microsoft of the xbox360.. Europeans don't like Big American Company's.. :) I mean how many times has the European Union gave a Milions++++ fine to Microsoft? :D


so sony is a nicer company? cmon they are both massive companys with one thing in common. that is coming out top dog.


No.. that with the fines was just a side joke.. didn't you see the :D?? But Sony does have a better reputation than Microsoft as in better hardware, reliable, products like: Walkman, Discman PS2 etc.. While Microsoft will always be associeted with Windows.. wma, internet explorer.. products which are.. medioric..

sorry I dont fully understand all this internet lingo but yes sony does have a better reputation but remember you are only as good as your last gig.

what I mean is you cannot live off the reputation of the ps2 forever.


That's the whole point.. Sony doesn't live of the PS2 reputation.. It has made dozens of great products.. Which we Europeans love & trust... Microsoft hasn't got that reputation that we love & trust.. It's almost hate..


oh yeah like what in the past 10 years ???? could be more years but lets keep it simple.... and especially so I don't get the Walkman argument


The Walkman argument? It's an example of a Sony product which had a great reputation.. Which brought the Brand Sony in higher regards with the Europeans..

The Cybershot camera's, the Vaio Notebooks, PS2, PSP, The Handycam... all good products which added to the reputation of the Sony Brand.. That's a head start that Microsoft doesn't have in Europe..



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

I know M$ hating is a fad, but fads still do damage. ALL OSs have problems, people just seem to glance over their OS of choice.

yeah the walkman argument, almost 30 years ago.... come on.... it's the 21st century..... Cybershot cameras are like iPods it might be big in sales doesn't make it the best product for the price tag.... Vaio notebook don't even get me started on that pile of crap..... without talking about all their proprietary shitty format they push on you like on PSP.... Sony is the microsoft of electronics... but then again it's fancy to have Sony brands in your house.. design are nice... I'll give them that... saying they are high end good quality product at that price... is a freaking joke....

oh I forgot one good thing about Sony... the trinitron tubes were awesome back in the days.... but like I said in the past 10 years they've totally lost their quality they once had...

PS is probably one of their best product today.... I don't like the PS because it doesn't suite my taste in VG... but i'd be the first to admit it's a tech beast... for the rest, I could probably find you a better product for the same price or less in less time than you need to take a piss...