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Forums - Sales Discussion - How did Microsoft do it?

dib8rman said:




I normally don't like to talk about platforms I honestly know little about - but from what I do know as skewed as it maybe... I stand up and applaud them. For they have an install base of almost 20 million, have sold amazing amounts of software, can charge their install base wads of cash a month, can get that install base to accept paying even more to buy XBLA games all while giving them a system that burns current up the wazoo, isn't as online friendly as it could of been out the box (wireless) and doesn't come with hdmi but boasts 720p native.


This isn't true anymore.  All new 360's come with HDMI ports.

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RolStoppable said:
starcraft said:
RolStoppable said:
I don't understand the OP. Are we supposed to bash or praise the 360 in this thread?

Its so hard to be a sheep when noone will clearly lead.

Even though the 360 sounds like a giant ventilator, it's heating the room instead of cooling it. The 360 controller is a vast improvement over the input device from the first Xbox, it's one of the best standard controllers ever made for consoles. The library of the 360 is full of mindless and boring M-rated games, but it also has some great racing games.

How's that?

I will follow with unswerving obedience


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

May as well be sensible - CAN THIS THREAD BE SAVED?!?!!?

On the outside you can look at the Xbox360 as quite average or boring. I think this can cause people to underestimate the strengths of the system. If you're looking to compare it to any system, its probably closest to the PS2 - as im sure Microsoft was hoping to emulate that success. It pretty much follows the formula - content is king. Its been shown than Microsoft has been the most aggressive at aquiring unique content for its machine than the other two manufacturers. With the inclusion of Live to fix the PS2's online shortcomings and the media centre offerings of the original Xbox1 its more of a continuation of the traditional game console formula.

Architecturally its probably the best designed system overall. With the ease of development and porting between the PC/360 and the 360/PS3 it ensures that the system will always remain relevant to developers, and possibly the first port of call for developers working on their first current generation game. *System reliability != system architecture*

It does all the basics well as a games machine and does whats expected of it traditionally as a console quite well also. Its not a system about flash, or finesse and this is reflected IMO in the quite plain design. Therefore, because of its strengths - its a system that anyone whos unbiased would consider seriously as a potential purchase if looking at all three systems rationally.


still.... the 360's lead in week to week hardware is already gone, and soon software will be gone as well.

dallas said:
still.... the 360's lead in week to week hardware is already gone, and soon software will be gone as well.

Don't you realize that the Xbox360 will have a ratio of 1.8:1 with the PS3 and 1.4:2 to the Wii at the end of the generation. Its because I predicted it. Because my prediction is as good as yours. Funny that huh?



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Thanks' I didn't know that, also dissolute pointed out the Piracy thing - which since I don't keep up to date on Xbox360 much neither I knew about (ignorance maybe, lack of interest; definetly.) But it is healthy to note they did have this.


Also to address the myth of the 1 year head start means leader - in fact the entire post seemed to be too subjective to view seriously, value is value - the market determines value, that is true... but that's not exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm commenting within the business strategy of Microsoft and the out puts, then the feed back. It's a full circle really - they lost money sure which in turn means they failed to meet whatever they expected - sure. (They being investors in Microsoft) but Microsoft minimized losses based on this I am amazed they are still around in the console business.

Also if your speaking within the terms of the quadranted markets decisions - then your dealing with subjective values and clearly having that 'graphical advantage' is actually a disadvantage within many of those quadrants. In some sections the graphical presentation may directly be leading to loss in sales and vice versa. But that's a whole other thread. >.>

Just saying most of your post was not definative on anything tangible within respects to market value decisions.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Squilliam said:
dallas said:
still.... the 360's lead in week to week hardware is already gone, and soon software will be gone as well.

Don't you realize that the Xbox360 will have a ratio of 1.8:1 with the PS3 and 1.4:2 to the Wii at the end of the generation. Its because I predicted it. Because my prediction is as good as yours. Funny that huh?



 There is a thread going around by ax-machina of when the PS3 will  equal the 360s week to week software sales, if you want to put your prediction in. 

it can be said of all three companies.

1. How does Sony sell 13 million consoles that cost $500 and has the least amount of games?
2. how does Nintendo Dominates this Gen using last Gen graphics
3. How does MS get away with ROD ?
4. why am i paying for college in the richest country in the world?

Dont't let me start.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

You used a lot of big words, and therefore I concede. Hey, Dib8rman, I hate to sound like an idiot, but I'm what you call a layman. Could you break that last comment down into my terms?

What's so bizarre is that many who have jumped in find it very difficult to get out, even when they're on their seventh xbox.