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Thanks' I didn't know that, also dissolute pointed out the Piracy thing - which since I don't keep up to date on Xbox360 much neither I knew about (ignorance maybe, lack of interest; definetly.) But it is healthy to note they did have this.


Also to address the myth of the 1 year head start means leader - in fact the entire post seemed to be too subjective to view seriously, value is value - the market determines value, that is true... but that's not exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm commenting within the business strategy of Microsoft and the out puts, then the feed back. It's a full circle really - they lost money sure which in turn means they failed to meet whatever they expected - sure. (They being investors in Microsoft) but Microsoft minimized losses based on this I am amazed they are still around in the console business.

Also if your speaking within the terms of the quadranted markets decisions - then your dealing with subjective values and clearly having that 'graphical advantage' is actually a disadvantage within many of those quadrants. In some sections the graphical presentation may directly be leading to loss in sales and vice versa. But that's a whole other thread. >.>

Just saying most of your post was not definative on anything tangible within respects to market value decisions.

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