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May as well be sensible - CAN THIS THREAD BE SAVED?!?!!?

On the outside you can look at the Xbox360 as quite average or boring. I think this can cause people to underestimate the strengths of the system. If you're looking to compare it to any system, its probably closest to the PS2 - as im sure Microsoft was hoping to emulate that success. It pretty much follows the formula - content is king. Its been shown than Microsoft has been the most aggressive at aquiring unique content for its machine than the other two manufacturers. With the inclusion of Live to fix the PS2's online shortcomings and the media centre offerings of the original Xbox1 its more of a continuation of the traditional game console formula.

Architecturally its probably the best designed system overall. With the ease of development and porting between the PC/360 and the 360/PS3 it ensures that the system will always remain relevant to developers, and possibly the first port of call for developers working on their first current generation game. *System reliability != system architecture*

It does all the basics well as a games machine and does whats expected of it traditionally as a console quite well also. Its not a system about flash, or finesse and this is reflected IMO in the quite plain design. Therefore, because of its strengths - its a system that anyone whos unbiased would consider seriously as a potential purchase if looking at all three systems rationally.
