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Forums - Sales Discussion - GTAIV and MGS4 come and go...

I'd have to agree with J-oel, especially after I found out that last weeks europe numbers were a complete guess with no data at all.

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E3 doesn't really determine anything at all.

Nintendo could completely ditch E3 and sales would not change.

ph4nt said:
E3 doesn't really determine anything at all.

Nintendo could completely ditch E3 and sales would not change.


 Well that would really suck if they ditched e3..

Im just saying wait for e3, the big 3 will reveal there LTD numbers.



I can only imagine the complete insanity on these boards if the wii was revealed to be massively overtracked on VG....unlikely, but it would be hilarious.

And to the trigger finger mods out there- NO that was NOT a dig at the wii

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

kowenicki said:

at launch 360 had a lead of 5.3m over Ps3

a year ago 360 had a lead of 6.6m

by end of this week 360 has a lead of 5.7m


It isnt really changing is it. 

On top of this I think the 360 has a stronger line up now for the rest of the year, particularly for the american market.

Meanwhile Wii slaughters all.


While it's true Wii is slaughtering, you're wrong elsewhere. Since towards the end of November last year up till now with about one or two exceptions where 360 sold about even PS3 has CONSISTENTLY outsold Xbox360 by decent amounts.

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kowenicki said:
colonelstubbs said:
Oh look its kowenicki and another anti ps3 rant!

Look grandpa, if you dont like the console, thats fair enough, but stop spouting your anti-ps3 propaganda all the fucking time and just get over it


 how is it an anti ps3 rant?  its all facts.


 Yea, but the gap is down from 8 million to 5 million, and its dropping fast, the PS3 outsells the 360 50k+ every week.



I still think Japan is the key for Sony/PS3 - this is where they have really been hurt hard to date. If they can only pick up the PS3 sales to a solid 25-30k/week (consistent), it would make all the difference. MS is just unable to compete over there, and its been a miracle that it hasn't killed the 360 vrs PS3 war to date.

(its "only" a 1.5m gap in Japan, and that really isn't much at all)

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

When the PS3 overtakes the 360 WW Kowenicki, you will be the first person i come to

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

leo-j said:
ph4nt said:
E3 doesn't really determine anything at all.

Nintendo could completely ditch E3 and sales would not change.


 Well that would really suck if they ditched e3..

Im just saying wait for e3, the big 3 will reveal there LTD numbers.


If you want the real numbers without any possibility of mistakes or misinterpretation, each company releases quarterly reports. By law, the quarterly reports are required to be accurate.

E3 is filled with marketing people who will distort the numbers to suit their own interests.

Is this thread a joke? C'mon you got to be kidding me, Right? I love how every time the PS3 has a down week the fanboys come out in mass. The PS3 outsells the 360 every week now, EVERY WEEK. This isn't going to change, that table has been set. The only question is now is when do the 360 sales slide off the table completely (and if you don't think that will happen you are completely deluding yourself). Newsflash, When more 80's hit America overall numbers will spike again. The Sony forums are flooded with people dieing to get their hands on one. 360 fanboys will be better served if they just come to the realization now that their console is the 3rd most popular now.