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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Connecticut State Senator Alarmed Over (non-existent) Rape Scene in GTA IV

endimion said:
lol that's hilarious..... GTA is M rated anyway... they could put baby killer scenes raping a dog while shagging a old man smoking crack in jail cell in Guantanamo while a jew and muslim play ping pong with the nuts of a catholic and it shouldn't be a problem for that very reason..... did they cancel your constitutional rights last week and I didn't read the memo ???

I have the box under my eyes and it says: blood, intense violence, strong language, strong sexual content, use of drugs and alcohol....

is there something she doesn't understand in "strong sexual content" ??? the esrb ratings are there for a reason


Uh no, that would make it the most controversial game yet. Even if it is rated M, that isn't stopping politicians from freaking out as it is so I'd really want to know how big the brick they would shit out would be if a game you just described was released.

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Starmistkarmic said:
@Ghost of RubangB
I think it's nurture. Almost always has to do with the parent(s) and/or a society that forces the parent(s) to work 80 hour weeks and just be too tired to hang with the little ones. On the other side is verbal and physical abuse of kids at the hands of parent(s) who shouldn't have had kids in the first place.
Unfortunately, politicians don't get elected by saying 'parents suck.' They get elected by placing the blame on scapegoats and strawmen, because in America, it's never your fault. It's always big, bad GTA. Or Manhunt. Or Mortal Combat. Or....

Yeah that makes sense.  The biggest sociopath I met (and accidentally dated) grew up with a little of both.  80% of the time no parents around, 20% of the time beatings.  It can put the old moral compass all out of wack but with an inflated sense of righteousness, so you can do no wrong and can justify the craziest shit ever.

I'd like to some day run for office on the platform "parents suck."  I'll get the youth vote out of fucking bed for damn sure.  Hahaha.  "Are you sick of your parents ruining your lives?  Then vote for me, 'cuz my parents sucked too!"

and so ??? being controversial is not illegal in USA ???? or freedom of speech and opinion is gone too ???

I chose an extreme example on purpose... I'm not looking for a game like that.... but i'm a freedom fighter when it comes to opinion... because if the asshole next to me can't say his BS why should I be allowed to say mine.... I'd stand up for my worst enemy right of expression.....

I think they're stupid for dong that they do too, but they're still doing what they're doing despite common sense anyway.

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How did she come to think there was a rape scene anyway?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

that's why all US gamers should join this
and that

LOL that video is fucking hilarious; these worthless congressmen/women need to get grilled more for being morons.

Starmistkarmic said:
@Ghost of RubangB
I think it's nurture. Almost always has to do with the parent(s) and/or a society that forces the parent(s) to work 80 hour weeks and just be too tired to hang with the little ones. On the other side is verbal and physical abuse of kids at the hands of parent(s) who shouldn't have had kids in the first place.
Unfortunately, politicians don't get elected by saying 'parents suck.' They get elected by placing the blame on scapegoats and strawmen, because in America, it's never your fault. It's always big, bad GTA. Or Manhunt. Or Mortal Combat. Or....

Taking accountability for one's actions does not seem to be one of our society's strongsuits anyway. Not when liabililty is always someone else's legal responsibility.

The finger pointing game is a time honored tradition in claiming the moral highground. It's about one step below legislating morality, which is arguably the most ridiculous thing any free society could do.

Slossberg hints she'll... introduce legislation next session calling for clearer labeling of depraved video games like Grand Theft Auto...  Slossberg's a bit unsure of how the warning labels might read: "I mean what would it say? 'This game will make you a sociopath'?"

You know what? I agree. Such games should be rate "S" for Sociopath. Would that stop anyone from buying them? Oh, sure. lol