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Starmistkarmic said:
@Ghost of RubangB
I think it's nurture. Almost always has to do with the parent(s) and/or a society that forces the parent(s) to work 80 hour weeks and just be too tired to hang with the little ones. On the other side is verbal and physical abuse of kids at the hands of parent(s) who shouldn't have had kids in the first place.
Unfortunately, politicians don't get elected by saying 'parents suck.' They get elected by placing the blame on scapegoats and strawmen, because in America, it's never your fault. It's always big, bad GTA. Or Manhunt. Or Mortal Combat. Or....

Yeah that makes sense.  The biggest sociopath I met (and accidentally dated) grew up with a little of both.  80% of the time no parents around, 20% of the time beatings.  It can put the old moral compass all out of wack but with an inflated sense of righteousness, so you can do no wrong and can justify the craziest shit ever.

I'd like to some day run for office on the platform "parents suck."  I'll get the youth vote out of fucking bed for damn sure.  Hahaha.  "Are you sick of your parents ruining your lives?  Then vote for me, 'cuz my parents sucked too!"