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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - EA will be like Ninty sports game will include a peripheral announced at e3

UPDATE - EA Sports exec producer and VP David McCarthy says to expect a line of EA Sports peripherals within the next 12 months--or as soon as E3 in July; Next-Gen gets more details from McCarthy.

UPDATE: Added exclusive comments from McCarthy.


Asked by a Paris GDC attendee on Tuesday if the success of the Wii, Guitar Hero and Rock Band have given EA Sports any ideas about the use of peripherals, McCarthy said, "We expect to see more [peripherals] at EA Sports."

He added, "...You will see EA Sports...--even over the course of the next 12 months, I would think--use that peripheral strategy to some extent."

McCarthy didn't offer any more details on when we may see the launch of such peripherals, or what kind of peripherals they might be.

While EA Sports certainly has something cooking on the peripheral front, McCarthy's still cautious about the approach that EA Sports would take in regards to non-standard controllers.

"...I would say [you could] push this a little too far. I think you want to do a peripheral if it really does enrich the experience of gameplay. And that it doesn't create a barrier to entry for your consumers.

"So, you know, a Rock Band box is cool, but it's big and it's expensive. ...You've got to be careful with that approach. It's obviously appealing to a large audience, but you've got to be careful. It's not always the solution you want to do."

Next-Gen tracked down McCarthy to ask more about the peripherals following his Paris GDC presentation.

Asked what type of peripherals EA Sports was planning, he said, "...It really depends on the game, honestly. We're not ready to announce any of this stuff we're working on.

"Anything we put out for sports would enhance the experience. I can tease you a little bit. One of the things we're doing is looking at just playing with the Wii remote in a different way, using a whole new peripheral that's out there, kind of thing. So, basically enabling control for the user in a much different way."

He teased some more: "We are prototyping stuff that really does allow us to play with the Wii remote differently."

McCarthy added, "You could see something around E3. Definitely something in the next few months, for sure."


I can take this after all, EA done so much for the Wii right now.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

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Seems that EA is really paying some attention the wii now. I'm not sure if the peripheral will be good or bad, but it'll be nice to see some 3rd party support for controllers on the wii.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

^^You do know that this ploy is to make a quick buck off of the success of wii sports.


What EA did with Madden, NCAA and Tiger Woods and Skate it sounds to you then?

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

"One of the things we're doing is looking at just playing with the Wii remote in a different way, using a whole new peripheral that's out there, kind of thing. So, basically enabling control for the user in a much different way."

He teased some more: "We are prototyping stuff that really does allow us to play with the Wii remote differently."

He might be talking about head tracking, Johnny Lee style. It fits what he said at least.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Around the Network

I was actually thinking about something like this awhile back ... With the Wii Fit Balance Board and the technology in the Wiimote, if you had a controller that felt more like a golf club you could make a pretty good golf program which could (somewhat) accurately replicate actual golf.

yushire said:

What EA did with Madden, NCAA and Tiger Woods and Skate it sounds to you then?


A ploy.

Why do I have a bad feeling it's just cheesy plastic shells?

You know, Bleu, I'm just gonna report your post.

Being flagrantly anti-anything on this site isn't gonna fly, and you are just following the Wii posts around looking to marginalize anything worth getting excited about. You add nothing to this forum. I just read your posting history and I could not find one thing that wasn't either Sony love or Wii hate, except for perhaps 3 posts in the offtopic forums.


When you go as far as putting a Wii in your avatar, while proclaiming your hate for the console openly, you should realize any Wii-related post you make isn't just biased, it's trolling, and if you don't think so, then imagine the double standard. Look at how the people got treated that even dared to say a word when MGS4 and the PS3 didn't sell as well as we expected it to sell. They were chastised. Yet, you literally attempt to be a horrible troll and degrade every bit of positive Wii news you can get your hands on.

What if people did that for the PS3? They would be destroyed, unless they had the gumption to back up their claims and the intelligence to make them infallable. Your claims don't deserve a response on this post, for instance, they are ludcrious.

Just in your posting history, I've seen you claim that:


A. LBP will have equal legs to Wii Fit

B. You claim that all EA sports games on the Wii are "shams" and cashins, because we all know the years of development Madden 09 PS3 has recieved. /sarcasm

C. The Wii is "void" of hardcore and mature games. You also freely admit you "despise" the Wii in that topic.


You my friend, are a cherry-picking, talking-point spewing, arrogant fanboy, and against all odds you somehow turned out to be one of the worst and most consistantly predictable ones on this forum. That is quite a feat my friend.

You need to settle down, and concentrate on the console you like, rather than the one you hate, trust me when I tell you, everyone will be the better for it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Zen: People say the same crap in the Sony forums about PS3 games and I don't see you making long posts against people there.

There's nothing wrong with those claims he makes (at least those 3 he listed), although there are a few mature games on the Wii.

As for having even more controllers for the Wii: I've already had to buy Wavebirds and a classic controller...a charge kit...a wheel that just gave grips that are natural to other controllers. I've also have instruments and DDR pads for PS3. It's getting a little ridiculous. Luckily, I don't want Wii Fit because that would be another.