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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do the Dualshock 2 analog sticks register more than 2 degrees of pressure?

NJ5 said:
TWRoO said:
I always thought the PS sticks were too loose, like you have to push really far before anything happens then it all comes at once.

For a long while I actually thought that the N64 stick was the only analogue stick and assumed the PS ones were just d-pads in stick form.


There are two things I'd expect from an analog stick - analog direction (i.e. not just 90 or 45 degree steps like a D-pad) and analog force. So I guess even if RolStoppable is right and there's no analog force on the DS2, maybe it's still correct to call it an analog stick.



I don't know if the PSP nub would be any indicator, but when coding homebrew for it there seems to be degrees of sensitivity. From -128 to 12(7/8) (can't remember) or 0 to 255. So you could set what does what when moving the analog a certain length on the PSP, but it isn't the dual shock...they might have fixed that with the PSP or something. Hmmm...I wonder if Sony fixed this with the Sixaxis/DS3 if the DS and DS2 didn't have that ability?

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

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Oh no! I'm a stupid greedy fat American!

TBH, I never noticed as well.

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Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

The analog sticks on the DS 2 are the worst thing ever. Not only there is this 2 imput only problem, it register a L3 press every time I want to run very fast. In games where the L3 does something this screw up the gameplay.

The quality of the sticks themselves are awful. I broke more than 2 controllers in 4 years of playtime. First thing to happen is that the rubber cover on the stick loosen. Then the cheap plastic of the stick break and cuts the rubber cover from inside.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

I don't understand the problem with the DS2. I had mine for years, and played tons of PS2 games and didn't have a problem.

I always found the Dualshocks to be too loose but i assumed that lack of analogue control was just a programming thing, i have no evidence to support this whatsoever, just a gut feeling.

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Interesting Rol, I thought I was the only one that noticed this. Also what TWRoO says, they're too lose.

Any expert on these things?

I never liked the PS controllers but I didn't really know why. The sticks just didn't feel right to me. Then again, I hate almost every controller.

Maybe my "Sony Love" overpowered it, but the controllers didn't feel that bad or "loose" to me.

Or maybe I just adapt easy. I had no problem with the fat XBOX controller, I just didn't like how it looked.

The resolution of the Analog sticks on the PS2 were much lower than those of the Xbox and Gamecube.

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
I don't understand the problem with the DS2. I had mine for years, and played tons of PS2 games and didn't have a problem.

My theory is that PS1/2 who haven't played a lot of games on Nintendo consoles didn't notice that they were playing with inferior controls all these years. So of course you don't understand the problem. That you are DMeisterJ doesn't help your case either.

That's similar to 30fps vs. 60fps. You really don't notice how inferior 30fps really are, if you don't play a lot of games that run at 60fps. For example think about PS1/N64 games when you first played them, you probably thought that the framerates were good. However, if you take another look at them after playing a lot of 6th gen games you start to notice how bad some of these games' framerates actually were.

Must you have so much knowledge Rol?

That makes sense.