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NJ5 said:
TWRoO said:
I always thought the PS sticks were too loose, like you have to push really far before anything happens then it all comes at once.

For a long while I actually thought that the N64 stick was the only analogue stick and assumed the PS ones were just d-pads in stick form.


There are two things I'd expect from an analog stick - analog direction (i.e. not just 90 or 45 degree steps like a D-pad) and analog force. So I guess even if RolStoppable is right and there's no analog force on the DS2, maybe it's still correct to call it an analog stick.



I don't know if the PSP nub would be any indicator, but when coding homebrew for it there seems to be degrees of sensitivity. From -128 to 12(7/8) (can't remember) or 0 to 255. So you could set what does what when moving the analog a certain length on the PSP, but it isn't the dual shock...they might have fixed that with the PSP or something. Hmmm...I wonder if Sony fixed this with the Sixaxis/DS3 if the DS and DS2 didn't have that ability?

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus