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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Question to PS3/360 owners about RE5 controller preference

No. I wouldn't want a similar controller or control system to Wii for Resident Evil 5.

I'm happy with my PS3 controller and I wouldn't want to be hampered by a controller I'm not familiar with.

I wouldn't want Resident Evil 5 on Xbox360 either. The series started on PlayStation, and I wish it would have stayed on the brand forever. Even if that meant the Resident Evil remake were never made.

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naraku2099 said:

No. I wouldn't want a similar controller or control system to Wii for Resident Evil 5.

I'm happy with my PS3 controller and I wouldn't want to be hampered by a controller I'm not familiar with.

I wouldn't want Resident Evil 5 on Xbox360 either. The series started on PlayStation, and I wish it would have stayed on the brand forever. Even if that meant the Resident Evil remake were never made.

That is very fanboyish. That is like saying final fantasy started on nintendo consoles and I wished it stayed on nintendo consoles  forever. Or metal gear  started on the MSX so it should be on microsoft platforms.


sc94597 said:
Most ps360 fans would never admit that the wii is better in this area, despite it being true. Most of the time they downplay it by using the wii's graphical limitations. I'm sure though if this does happen, and a game uses it well they would admit it right away.


That's not something I would say. I don't want a controller like Wii and it has absolutely nothing to do with the graphics. What it has to do with is more my own preferences for games. I think the idea of using a motion sensing controller like that is neat, but not for myself and probably alot of other PS3 and Xbox360 owners. The fact is, Wii is a great deal targeted for casual players rather than hardcore, not excluding it's controller and motion sensing controls. And it certainly succeeds with casual and first time gamers; sales prove it. However, it just doesn't succeed as much with gamers like myself.

sc94597 said:
naraku2099 said:

No. I wouldn't want a similar controller or control system to Wii for Resident Evil 5.

I'm happy with my PS3 controller and I wouldn't want to be hampered by a controller I'm not familiar with.

I wouldn't want Resident Evil 5 on Xbox360 either. The series started on PlayStation, and I wish it would have stayed on the brand forever. Even if that meant the Resident Evil remake were never made.

That is very fanboyish. That is like saying final fantasy started on nintendo consoles and I wished it stayed on nintendo consoles  forever. Or metal gear  started on the MSX so it should be on microsoft platforms.



I don't care what you think.

naraku2099 said:
sc94597 said:
Most ps360 fans would never admit that the wii is better in this area, despite it being true. Most of the time they downplay it by using the wii's graphical limitations. I'm sure though if this does happen, and a game uses it well they would admit it right away.


That's not something I would say. I don't want a controller like Wii and it has absolutely nothing to do with the graphics. What it has to do with is more my own preferences for games. I think the idea of using a motion sensing controller like that is neat, but not for myself and probably alot of other PS3 and Xbox360 owners. The fact is, Wii is a great deal targeted for casual players rather than hardcore, not excluding it's controller and motion sensing controls. And it certainly succeeds with casual and first time gamers; sales prove it. However, it just doesn't succeed as much with gamers like myself.

The wii also suceeds with hardcore gamers too. Just look at the sales of Rer4,UC,Mp3, LoZ:Tp, SMG,etc. All of these are hardcore games. Also I believe there was a thread a while back that compared the sales of casual and harcore games in the top 50, and the hardcore games outsold the casual ones by 2 million. The wii appeals to both casual and hardcore gamers, and even non-gamers.


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naraku2099 said:
sc94597 said:
naraku2099 said:

No. I wouldn't want a similar controller or control system to Wii for Resident Evil 5.

I'm happy with my PS3 controller and I wouldn't want to be hampered by a controller I'm not familiar with.

I wouldn't want Resident Evil 5 on Xbox360 either. The series started on PlayStation, and I wish it would have stayed on the brand forever. Even if that meant the Resident Evil remake were never made.

That is very fanboyish. That is like saying final fantasy started on nintendo consoles and I wished it stayed on nintendo consoles  forever. Or metal gear  started on the MSX so it should be on microsoft platforms.



I don't care what you think.

Alright I don;t care if you care, but I just wanted ot point that out.


doesn't really matter there both fine for me but i guess its more comfortable with dual analogue so i could just lean back

If i was going to play RE5 i would feel the 360/PS3 controller would do the job best. The wii-mote is good for games where you just need to point or wave your arms like elebits or wii sports. The wii-mote takes away the camera from the user and this is very bad in my books. SMG would of also benefited from the use of the PS3 or 360 controller. The nunchuck also does not fit my hand right, the stick feels very bad and the two front buttons are very hard to press in fast paced games.

For the game, I would not have tried RE4 on 360. Had to try it on the wii, because there is simply not any other games to play. For the controls, I´d propably go with dual analog rather than wiimote. I won't be getting RE5 anyway.

Why some people consider that the wiimote is some kind of improvement on controls? It is just an alternative control method... not like those motion controls really work and mouse is much better pointer than wiimote. :/

I'd prefer a mouse. More people have USB mice than Wiimotes.

That said, I don't find the Wiimote a lot more effective than the analog sticks. It depends on the game for both, really. CoD4 was really good, but Dark Sector was too floaty. For the Wiimote, sensitvity matters and the Wiimote doesn't act as a gun, it acts as a less sensitive mouse. I had no problem playing MoH:H2 and MP3 then going back to sticks.