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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Future of Live following PSN Update

i hope that they will come with a new stuff for live.

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ssj12 said:
endimion said:
well that's probably why they are not doing an update as scheduled.... probably to make a bigger one later... and I totally agree about that

"When MS stated that the 360 has the hardcore market I believe this is what they meant. Hardcore gamers will pay a small fee to play games against a community of others as long as the service is fully encompassed. Going forward I expect to see some large developments in online gaming for the 360 and can imagine how enormous the experience could be."

hell I even stated before that' i'd probably play less online if it was free... the only fact that you have to pay is already screening people... and i believe it's a good thing...


that makes zero sense at all....


who said it does ???? I have a netflix account... and I still watch more movies from XBL than form netflix.... the convenience of it makes it worth it.... same with live... if it was free I bet it wouldn't be that great..... that's why i'd probably won't play it.... exemple I can't stand steam... then again I never liked the online experience on PC.... and that back to kali with warcraft...

why less people play PSN proportionally than XBL... the simple fact that you have to pay for it... pushes MS to encourage devs to use the live and multiplayer co op etc....

Aprisaiden said:
To be fair i think XBL is going to stay much the same now...

PSN is constantly getting closer and closer to LIVE in terms of features and quality while LIVE hasn't been adding much lately. But why have Microsoft been slow to create innovative features for LIVE? -- The answer is simple, what additional features does LIVE need? --

Online gaming on consoles at the moment is pretty and improvements are now harder to come by. Improving on online was easy in previous generations -- console makers just had to look at PC's ... now though what features do we really need added?

Finally i wish Nintendo would pick up their act. Wii and DS bot have horrible online experiences... if only Nintendo would drop friend codes....


there is much more to add to live than it has right now... and MS stated themself that they have plans to develope new options.....personaly I hope to see a browser on XBL.....  then I'll have no need for a PC except for work... and the last update has been skiped because thay have lots additional stuff coming apparently.... well we'll see E3 is coming

In the long run MS will be just fine. XBOX Live is a standard that Sony is trying to replicate. In the end Sony will begin to charge for PSN by creating a PSN premium or something along those lines. Too much money will be lost in and infrastructure that is slow and non cost effective.

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Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

Fanatical111 said:

 I don’t think anyone can refute Sony’s upcoming library as I fully expect games like Killzone 2, FF13 and God of War 3 to be amazing,


 I don't.

You may believe they will be amazing though, but you just wrote that here so you wouldn't be dismissed as a fanboy lol.

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I don't think MMOs will be a big factor. At least not this generation. Aside from WoW and free PC RPGs like Maplestory or PuzzlePirates (which would probably appeal more to Wii's demographics than Sony/MS) I don't think MMOs have any kind of mass appeal.

They DO have a core market to be sure but prying that market from PCs will be hard and the masses don't have time or inclination to play any game enough to pay a monthly fee to support it.


Rock_on_2008 said:
12 million XBox Live subscribers and growing. The XBox Live subscriptions at $50 a pop bring in around $600 million per year to MS alone.


I don't think it's 12 million paying subscribers (link?).  I think it's 12 million accounts on XBox Live which would include both Gold and Silver (free) memberships.  I don't think Microsoft publishes how many Gold subscribers they have.

Slimebeast said:
Fanatical111 said:


 I don’t think anyone can refute Sony’s upcoming library as I fully expect games like Killzone 2, FF13 and God of War 3 to be amazing,


 I don't.

You may believe they will be amazing though, but you just wrote that here so you wouldn't be dismissed as a fanboy lol.

I have a PS3 and yes those games will be great.  Fanboy no, gamer yes, plain and simple son.


KZ has everything to prove so far.... FF hasn't been great in ages and GoW I don't know... but still that's a thin line up of good games anyway IMO....

we had a link a week or 2 ago stating that there is actually 60% of gold membership so no it's not a lie.... just look in the forum... the research option doesn't exist anymore... I'm not gonna look it up for you....