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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD is in the past, why won't you buy an Xbox 360?

Kyros said:
because there is a chance at some point you won't be able to play the games you want for less than a month tops.

Americans really have no problem with crappy hardware. Always amazes me. Apart from the inconvenience you know there is a time after the warranty expires. The warranty period may be longer now and even longer for the specific RRoD problem but I still won't buy an electronic device that will definitely crap out after the warranty expires. But in the end I just don't like being sold crap that is intended to fail.
Besides with the heavy emphasis on multiplatform this gen its more a question of PS3 OR 360.


 I have plenty of problems with faulty hardware, but I have come to accept that everything will eventually fail. Every single electronic device you have bought will crap out after its warranty. That is just the natue of the beast with electronic devices.

I can agree with the heavy emphasis on multiplatform titles making it more of an issue. As I noted, if you were going to choose one or the other for games it should weigh into your decision. But there are people who go on and on about all the great games they wish they could play if only the rrod didn't exist. By the time the warranty expired, those games would have been fully enjoyed.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Every single electronic device you have bought will crap out after its warranty.

Sorry but the brainwashing must be worse than I imagine. I bought my sound system 12 years ago, if a TV doesn't last a decade its crap (and if you do not buy the 399$ Walmart special it will most of the time last that long), my computer has been around for 4.5 years. The only electronic devices that are commonly crapping out after 2 years are cell phones. But this happens because cell phone manufacturers suck. If you replace the battery in your iPhone/iPod after 2-3 years it should be good to go for longer (although you might want a new one )

By the time the warranty expired, those games would have been fully enjoyed.

True, on the other hand I currently would like to play

Halo3, Mass Effects and Bioshock for the 360.

Bioshock will come to the PS3, so that leaves two games. And I won't pay 320 bucks (including games) to play them. Sorry. Besides my living room is crowded enough already. Which is really sad because I love Halo, but this was trumped by having a BluRay player. I would really like to know how many people have both 360 and PS3 vs. how many people decided between them.

Well here in Europe Live is 6 euros monthly ...that makes it 72 euros yearly.If you buy all the year (including months you wont play because in holidays etc) it goes down to 60 euros yearly.60 euros are like 90 dollars.Over a 5 year span its 450 dollars for playing online.

This is totally and absolutely inadmisible.

More problems.
I need Wifi.Wont pay an additional 90 euros(135 dollars) for it.
The RROD is still there,its not in the scandalous 33% levels of old but it still has a 14-15% of incidencies.
THe machine is very loud,and I dont like the big power brick.
It doesnt have a HD player.

I owned a 360.

I might rebuy if it were cheaper, quieter, smaller, and were wireless. $100 adapter, c'mon.

The games are great and I like how the premium comes with the HD cables.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Some people are mentioning wireless and those dumb recharge kits. I bought a wlan-router for 20$ and a battery recharger with 8 batteries for 10$. Works fine for me.. That router even serves multiple purposes, oh and those batteries too!

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I have no interest in buying a 360 for the time being, because I have a pretty powerful PC, and can play virtually all the 360 titles I want on it.

Still intend on buying one when they got under 200€ in price, and hope there are going to be some more real exclusives by then.

ssj12 said:
JaggedSac said:
^^Thats too bad because Mr. Gates is now using around 30 billion dollars to combat world hunger and disease. Hate something worth hating jackass.

please look up where the money is coming from, etc. Also why doesnt he spend that 30 billion in OUR country and solve OUR hunger problems?


"Call this a sweeping statement if you must:" people seem to be under the (false) impression that all Africans are starving, and all Westerners are super rich and can afford to eat. Bill Gates feeding Africans would give him more publicity than feeding Americans.

not enough time and not enough money for another console - PS3/PS2 games already are eating up every bit of free time I have

Kyros said:

Every single electronic device you have bought will crap out after its warranty.

Sorry but the brainwashing must be worse than I imagine. I bought my sound system 12 years ago, if a TV doesn't last a decade its crap (and if you do not buy the 399$ Walmart special it will most of the time last that long), my computer has been around for 4.5 years. The only electronic devices that are commonly crapping out after 2 years are cell phones. But this happens because cell phone manufacturers suck. If you replace the battery in your iPhone/iPod after 2-3 years it should be good to go for longer (although you might want a new one )

Not having it last long enough after the warranty, and haing it crap out after the warranty are two different things. I am a fan of long term electronics use as well. I still play my N64 and GBA from time to time because of the feel of the controller. I've maintained my computer for a good 4ish years now, and I am only thinking of replacing it because I will have a nice supply of extra cash laying around. And you can make those $100 Wal-mart special TVs last for a decade easy. That is all entirely irrelevant to whether or not you will get enough enjoyment out of a 360 though. At the end of the three year warranty there will be the next gen of consoles coming out very soon. Most people on this site will have the latest and greatest at or near release.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gotta love the people who don't buy the 360 because of MS's practice of buying exclusives. At the same time, some of them probably happily bought a Playstation (1, 2 or 3).

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957