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Kyros said:
because there is a chance at some point you won't be able to play the games you want for less than a month tops.

Americans really have no problem with crappy hardware. Always amazes me. Apart from the inconvenience you know there is a time after the warranty expires. The warranty period may be longer now and even longer for the specific RRoD problem but I still won't buy an electronic device that will definitely crap out after the warranty expires. But in the end I just don't like being sold crap that is intended to fail.
Besides with the heavy emphasis on multiplatform this gen its more a question of PS3 OR 360.


 I have plenty of problems with faulty hardware, but I have come to accept that everything will eventually fail. Every single electronic device you have bought will crap out after its warranty. That is just the natue of the beast with electronic devices.

I can agree with the heavy emphasis on multiplatform titles making it more of an issue. As I noted, if you were going to choose one or the other for games it should weigh into your decision. But there are people who go on and on about all the great games they wish they could play if only the rrod didn't exist. By the time the warranty expired, those games would have been fully enjoyed.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229