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Every single electronic device you have bought will crap out after its warranty.

Sorry but the brainwashing must be worse than I imagine. I bought my sound system 12 years ago, if a TV doesn't last a decade its crap (and if you do not buy the 399$ Walmart special it will most of the time last that long), my computer has been around for 4.5 years. The only electronic devices that are commonly crapping out after 2 years are cell phones. But this happens because cell phone manufacturers suck. If you replace the battery in your iPhone/iPod after 2-3 years it should be good to go for longer (although you might want a new one )

By the time the warranty expired, those games would have been fully enjoyed.

True, on the other hand I currently would like to play

Halo3, Mass Effects and Bioshock for the 360.

Bioshock will come to the PS3, so that leaves two games. And I won't pay 320 bucks (including games) to play them. Sorry. Besides my living room is crowded enough already. Which is really sad because I love Halo, but this was trumped by having a BluRay player. I would really like to know how many people have both 360 and PS3 vs. how many people decided between them.