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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD is in the past, why won't you buy an Xbox 360?

$5 a month, but if you pay for five years of service (the typical lifespan for a console) you're looking at an extra $250 over the initial cost of the console which is pretty lame. It's not like the price of the consoles are subsidized by MS because you're committed to paying for XBL service if you intend to play online.

Of course you can always go without XBL Gold/online play, but that more or less eliminates the platform's #1 merit behind the software line up.

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If MS wants to sell more 360's, they need to lower the price.

PC's are now a lot more powerful, and for the price of a 360, you can get a good PC. 90% of all the 360 games can be played on a PC.

If MS has more exclusive 360 games, I think it would have a better shot of selling well.

Garcian Smith said:

DOATS1 said:
it's loud, accessories aren't cheap, some things that should come as standard don't, you have to pay to play online, there are still a few reasons not to get a 360.

i feel safe in getting a 360, that's why i have one, but the average joe either still associates rrod with the 360, or just isn't interested.

My 360, at least, isn't loud. At least, I've never noticed it while playing.

Accessories aren't cheap for any system. And with the 360, you really don't need anything else out of the box to get it up and running (unless you run HDMI and/or digital audio, and HDMI and TOSLINK cables are dirt-cheap.)

What should come standard with the 360 that doesn't, exactly? I can't think of a single thing.

Yeah, the paying to play online is kind of stupid. The online service, IMO, isn't anything special. But it's only five bucks a month, so it's not like you're paying out the wazoo or anything.

Wireless - $100

Hard Drive - $90


greenmedic88 said:
$5 a month, but if you pay for five years of service (the typical lifespan for a console) you're looking at an extra $250 over the initial cost of the console which is pretty lame. It's not like the price of the consoles are subsidized by MS because you're committed to paying for XBL service if you intend to play online.

Of course you can always go without XBL Gold/online play, but that more or less eliminates the platform's #1 merit behind the software line up.


Thats looking at it the wrong way, you could say you spend over $300 on toilet paper in 5 years.


TheRealMafoo said:
If MS wants to sell more 360's, they need to lower the price.

PC's are now a lot more powerful, and for the price of a 360, you can get a good PC. 90% of all the 360 games can be played on a PC.

If MS has more exclusive 360 games, I think it would have a better shot of selling well.


I think it's more like 25% percent

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I don't mean this to sound like trolling, but the biggest reason I don't have a 360 is that I already have a gaming PC. The games on the 360 I'm interested are also usually on the PC, with added features, so a 360 just seems redundant to me. In fact, the only exclusive 360 game I'm really interested in so far is Dead Rising, although I wouldn't mind playing Lost Oddysey either. Just my two cents.

Lets ask my friend what he has to say about this thread...


He says, play what you like. 360 has good games, pc has good games.

And I agree, the toilet paper industry is fucking ridiculous.  Do you know how much money is spent over your lifetime on toilet paper?  It should be free, rationed out by the government.  Everything should be free.  If only the soviets hadn't crumbled to bits.

$350 entry price plus $250 XBL Gold are the main reasons. On top of all that, the two exclusives that I'm most interested in are barely exclusives anymore; Bioshock is coming soon, and at the very least I'll be able to play Mass Effect 2 sometime down the road with the possibility of seeing ME 1 also.

The RPGs are intriguing, especially Eternal Sonata and Lost Odyssey, but I never really got into Star Ocean (PS) or Star Ocean (PS2) or Tales of Symphonia (GC) even though I gave the games plenty of time to grow on me (I played 'em for more than 10 hours each). I'm a big FF and Suikoden fan and I have plenty of RPGs on my PSP and PS2. Fable 2 sounds great too, but I still haven't played my copy of Fable 1 on Xbox.

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

1. I've already bought one and it failed AND MS refused to cover it
2. All the games I want other than GeoW are on PS3
3. XBL is not free
4. List of included features is ridciulously small
5. The new Falcon still RRoD's

Those are what I could think of off the top of my head. M$ fucked me outa a few hundred dollars already, they will have to impress me (which I'm sure they won't) with something very nice to get my buisness ever again.

Why? because MS hasn't fixed it at all.