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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD is in the past, why won't you buy an Xbox 360?

Personally a console is worth its price tag for its features, exclusives, and automation.

I own both, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, however if I had to only choose one- I would choose the Playstation 3. Why?

1.) Automation. My number one component in my home theater is my Playstation 3. It reproduces bluray masterfully, it has unparallel video quality, absolutely mind blowing sound quality, internet support, Wi-Fi, Mouse / Keyboard support, hard drive, and bluetooth support built RIGHT in.

2.) The exclusive games. I am a big action / adventure / platforming gamer.
Hence Uncharted, Ratchet, and Heavenly Sword (yes I said it) appeal to me. Also the exclusivity of titles such as Metal Gear Solid 4 help alot.

3.) Online is free. Yes online is not as good as Xbox Live, but that is changing soon. The online is free- and that is the most important part to me.

4.) Aesthetics. The Playstation 3 is sexy. Yes, you can call it a George Foreman grill or a mothership, but that gloss black, QUIET, system catches the eye dearly.

5.) Future Proofing. The system not only supports HDMI 1.3 out of the box, but it also supports DTS HD, Dolby True HD, 3D film (a firmware update this year), and deep color.  None of which the Xbox 360 supports.

Console Agnostic since 2001.

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This thread really took off after I went to bed. Bunch of RROD posts. Well none of you should buy a car. They are far more expensive and even more prone for a reason to need to warranty. There are tons of games coming out that are gonna rock.  I am sorry I offended people with my jackass statement.

I wouldn't buy one because it's so ugly i would have to pack it in a box to hide it,

People may think that is ridiculous but looks was an important part of my decision for the PS3. The PS3 looks expensive. You may call it a George Foreman grill but its an expensive black&chrome George Foreman grill that fits beautifully in a media center. Even the controllers are a work of art regarding their industrial design. And the XMB is elegant, understated and could also be imagined for use in a 1000$ BluRay player. The 360 on the other hand looks plastic and has possibly the ugliest menu ever created by men. (orange and purple "blades" ???? Who allowed something like that). The ugly power brick, its failure rate and the ugly if comfortable controllers only strengthen this.
If you want only a game console this may not be so bad, but if you want a media center/game console the PS3 just has huge advantages.

As many have said before, the 360 doesn't make much bang-for-buck sense; no HD player, small HDD, and other reasons like live and the power brick, and for me at least a relatively uninteresting library.

But the overall reason i wouldn't get one is the lurking suspicion that I'll buy someone else's refurbished bricked-box360.

I wonder how much money MS saves by recycling systems back to the market? they must get massive green points lol.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Kyros said:
. At the end of the three year warranty there will be the next gen of consoles coming out very soon

Apart from the fact that sucky backwards compatibility makes your console valuable even after the next one comes out, good consoles have a longer life than three years. (And only the specific RRoD problem has three years warranty, in Europe all electronic devices have normally two) The XBOX was an exception because it was not successful but people whose PS2 crapped out 2004 were not at the end of the lifecycle . A console should at least work until the next one comes out. And with good games having development times of multiple years 4year lifecycles are insane.

 A 4 year life-span is stupidly short and something I could never support. Your point would be completely valid if the 360 wasn't on year three of its life. At the end of the warranty for one bought today it would be going on 6 years for it. That is a respectable time frame for any console.

Most backwards compatability is amazing at first anways. The 360s was rough, but there was a lot of corners cut in the design of the machine. The PS3s would be if sales hadn't been so much lower than what anyone taken seriously projected. The Wiis is perfect of course, but thats just a benefit of using the same architecture which has other draw-backs.

You should really try using the context of an arguement rather than a single stand alone line. It maks you look silly when someone points out the obvious intent of the statement.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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I wont buy a 360 due to RRoD - Im not convinced its in the past yet.
Price of extra's, I would need the wireless adaptor, X-Box live yearly, the hard-drive is needed so arcade is out of the question for me. When I need a new console I would rather have the slightly higher initial investment buying a PS3 than the extra cost of yearly X-Box live and the worry I will need a replacment unit at some point.

In my coterie of friends, Live is key. Ubiquitous voice chatting and party matchmaking are the shit.

"whenever i see a 360 in a store i get sick... to think a company like microsoft can swindle the entirety of the us population is just insane."

Amen to that! (I'm in Australia - but same thing here).

JaggedSac said:
In my coterie of friends, Live is key. Ubiquitous voice chatting and party matchmaking are the shit.


Live is seriously awesome, I'll personally testify to that.

But it costs money to keep using it, and with Home being released (probably sometime within the next millenium or so) will paying for Live remain worthwhile?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

JaggedSac said:
Bunch of lame jibber jabber on this site. Oh no XBox Live is not free. Waaaah, waaah...Live costs $50 a year. Well my rent costs me $11,400 a year. I guess I could not eat breakfast once a month to make up for it.

Nobody who spends less than $1k a month on rent spends over $1k a month on breakfast. Not even close.

$50 for breakfast, 5 times a week during the work week is $250 a week or just over $1000 a month.

Not too many people with a PSN account would pay $50 a year for XBL either.