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Personally a console is worth its price tag for its features, exclusives, and automation.

I own both, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, however if I had to only choose one- I would choose the Playstation 3. Why?

1.) Automation. My number one component in my home theater is my Playstation 3. It reproduces bluray masterfully, it has unparallel video quality, absolutely mind blowing sound quality, internet support, Wi-Fi, Mouse / Keyboard support, hard drive, and bluetooth support built RIGHT in.

2.) The exclusive games. I am a big action / adventure / platforming gamer.
Hence Uncharted, Ratchet, and Heavenly Sword (yes I said it) appeal to me. Also the exclusivity of titles such as Metal Gear Solid 4 help alot.

3.) Online is free. Yes online is not as good as Xbox Live, but that is changing soon. The online is free- and that is the most important part to me.

4.) Aesthetics. The Playstation 3 is sexy. Yes, you can call it a George Foreman grill or a mothership, but that gloss black, QUIET, system catches the eye dearly.

5.) Future Proofing. The system not only supports HDMI 1.3 out of the box, but it also supports DTS HD, Dolby True HD, 3D film (a firmware update this year), and deep color.  None of which the Xbox 360 supports.

Console Agnostic since 2001.