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Forums - Sales Discussion - blu ray or downloading.. maybe neither

Yeah I heard about this one year ago. Will never happen. Problem is that these obscure developers often cant sell their ideas to the big players who run the market.
Anyway, no details were given about the read speed on this disc and if its capable of running HD.

But who cares. Blueray is what we have got for the next few years.

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Yep next 15 years or so.

I included this in a report I did in college a few years ago for a computer class, except back then the disc wasn't the same size as a dvd or blue ray, it was a bit bigger.

leo-j said:
There is already a TB blu-ray disc in development, therefore this has no chance.

Not to mention blu-ray is HD, while this disc isnt.

Uh, what????

Blu-ray stores a file, which is the HD movie.

This disk could store the same file, making it "HD" if the appropriate player existed.

OT: No, this won't be replacing blu-ray.  Every single new obscure disk format that someone comes up with, someone always asks "is this the death of blu-ray/HD-DVD"?  It's not going to happen for a long while.


I think these disks will have a problem.

200 x 5gb layers... This could result in long loading times while the laser is moved in order to read different layers, then find the content on the layer.

vs. 40 x 25gb layers...
Which while is currently immpossible for blu-ray may one day happen. After all various comapnies are using proto-type 200gb Blu-ray disks. Current problems with the disks are. 1) some early drives have trouble playing the new disks... 2) the cost of manufacturing the disc, which will come down in time/ if the disc is mass produced...

In the end Blu-ray is the last physical disc we need for mass storage. While digital distribution is still niche market. I personally believe both will exist due the fact that their are plenty of people whom like to have somthing they can hold, they can see. While others may just want the content itself. In the end by offering both of these options neither technology is leaving us in the forseeable future...

Now if only we could move on past CD's and highly compressed files for music. ...

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Why not a Blu 5TB Disc, 200 25GB layers..... Eh? Blu is going to stick around for awhile.