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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I get the PS3 or a 360?

media in ps3 is better than 360.Including Blu-ray

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bobobologna said:
bigjon said:
should have mentioned I am not that into online game as far as communities go. However, I am interested in playing friends in COD4 or Madden or whatever.

The only Online games I have ever gotten into are MKWii and Diablo 2(addicted is a better for this one)

Also price is a factor but not the basis of my decision. As on now I am leaning to the PS3, Blu-ray, BC, and reliablity are huge. Also I love GT games, and FF games. I am also going to be upgrading my computer in 6-9 months, although I have not decided if I am going to invest in a gaming PC or not.

The investment on a gaming PC is minimal if you are going to be upgrading.  An 8800GT can be had for $150 and is a superb card.  I think a PS3 would fit you best.

You're not too big into online games.  PS3 provides online services for free so what little you do play online, you won't have to pay $50/year for.  Then there's also the wifi adapter for the XBox360 to consider.

Multiplatform games are pretty much dead even.  You would need to see games played side by side to really tell a difference for the most part.

As for exclusives, I'm more inclined to believe that PS3 games will be exclusives, while many XBox360 "exclusives" will make their way to the PC at one point or another.

Those were my reasons for selling my XBox360 and deciding to be a PC/PS3 gamer.


 Looks like we had similiar ideas here.

Fanatical111 said:

I would go with the 360:

- Better games with a higher framerate for all EA 08 games. NHL 08, Madden 08 etc.

- 360 has to many RPG's to choose from including both J and W RPG's. In addition, 2009 is looking bright with Star Ocean coming to the 360. PS3 has FF13 but it wont be done for a long while I imagine.

This years RPG's:
-Infinite Undiscovery
-Fable 2
-Last Reminant
-Too Human

- Banjo will be the best platformer this year IMO.

I think this is again 360 territory:
- Gears 1,2
- Halo 3
- Huxley
- Perfect Dark 2
- Left 4 Dead
- Killzone 2 will be good but the first one wasnt all that great. RFOM 1 was ok but again wasnt all that good.

- Probably the PS3 for GT5 but I dont buy racers, not my thing

- PS3 does have MGS4 so I would give it a nod here. The 360 has Ninja Gaiden 2 so it depends on what kind of games you like.  BTW I think Alan Wake will be up there in terms of best games this gen.

- Again based on preference. For me just the thought of Killer Instinct 3 gives the nod to the 360. I hope this comes out!!!!

Biggest factor for me is Live.  I dont care what anyone says, Microsoft pretty much came up with the idea of online integration in consoles and will be the de facto moving forward.  If you like Multiplayer gaming, the 360 is the way to go.

Is this a joke? You thought Ninja2 has the same level as MGS4? Have you ever played MGS4 and Ninja2? I have played both.Ninja is a piece of cake to MGS4.....


Fine....the debate has raged too long but here goes...

The PS3 has-

FREE online
Wireless rechargeable controllers AS STANDARD
MUCH better reliability
Backwards compatibility (on the 60 and 80 gigs)

And features classic series' such as-

Gran Turismo
Tomb Raider
Final Fantasy
Metal Gear Solid

And new quality franchises such as-


And easily comparable multi platform titles-

Assassins creed
Pro Evolution Soccer
Call of Duty

Any questions?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

gungun.por said:
Fanatical111 said:

I would go with the 360:

- Better games with a higher framerate for all EA 08 games. NHL 08, Madden 08 etc.

- 360 has to many RPG's to choose from including both J and W RPG's. In addition, 2009 is looking bright with Star Ocean coming to the 360. PS3 has FF13 but it wont be done for a long while I imagine.

This years RPG's:
-Infinite Undiscovery
-Fable 2
-Last Reminant
-Too Human

- Banjo will be the best platformer this year IMO.

I think this is again 360 territory:
- Gears 1,2
- Halo 3
- Huxley
- Perfect Dark 2
- Left 4 Dead
- Killzone 2 will be good but the first one wasnt all that great. RFOM 1 was ok but again wasnt all that good.

- Probably the PS3 for GT5 but I dont buy racers, not my thing

- PS3 does have MGS4 so I would give it a nod here. The 360 has Ninja Gaiden 2 so it depends on what kind of games you like.  BTW I think Alan Wake will be up there in terms of best games this gen.

- Again based on preference. For me just the thought of Killer Instinct 3 gives the nod to the 360. I hope this comes out!!!!

Biggest factor for me is Live.  I dont care what anyone says, Microsoft pretty much came up with the idea of online integration in consoles and will be the de facto moving forward.  If you like Multiplayer gaming, the 360 is the way to go.

Is this a joke? You thought Ninja2 has the same level as MGS4? Have you ever played MGS4 and Ninja2? I have played both.Ninja is a piece of cake to MGS4.....


Hint: notice the part where the poster you quoted says "depends on what kind of games you like".

I'd take NG over MGS any day, I'd probably fall asleep during the cutscenes and wake up feelling stupid. Obviously, you feel otherwise, and that's fine.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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bigjon said:
should have mentioned I am not that into online game as far as communities go. However, I am interested in playing friends in COD4 or Madden or whatever.

The only Online games I have ever gotten into are MKWii and Diablo 2(addicted is a better for this one)

Also price is a factor but not the basis of my decision. As on now I am leaning to the PS3, Blu-ray, BC, and reliablity are huge. Also I love GT games, and FF games. I am also going to be upgrading my computer in 6-9 months, although I have not decided if I am going to invest in a gaming PC or not.

Sounds like you've decided.

I don't understand why people say you should never buy on potential. It isn't as if there is nothing to play on it at the moment. I'm sure there will be plenty of games both on your Wii and, assuming you buy it, PS3 that you'll be quite content waiting for FFXIII and GT 5.

I'm sure you'll be happy with whichever one you choose.


PooperScooper said:

UT3 wont have mods on 360. Everyone knows what makes that game are the mods. Mods>>>>>>>>>maps


And I say Splitscreen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mods>>>Maps :P


Topic: Buy a 360 now and/or wait until next year, when the good PS3 games arrive.

If you want more new games out NOW, choose 360

If you want to retain the ability to play your PS,PS2 games choose PS3 (80 gb mgs4 bundle of course. the 40gb is a rip-off!)

Also, pure exclusives are a thing of the past so any console will do if you have patience and the timed releases may not even release at full price when launched on ps3. If you can't wait get a 360. If you can wait, delve into ps2/ps1 gems and have fun while you wait.

JRPG-wise, if you have a wii, I'll assume you are not graphics-biased so I can guarantee that there are tons of excellent games that are on PS/PS2 that are much better than the newly announced "nex-gen" JRPGs. Also, Persona 4 is probably going to be one of the best JRPGs when it releases. Hint: Its a PS2 game. Note that this post assumes that your PS2 is broken since you described it in past tense.

For example, I myself just beat mgs4 and am now currently playing legend of dragood (ps1 game!)

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

I'm in the process of making this decision too, and I suggest you wait until E3 is over before you make any decisions. Personally, I'm leaning towards the PS3 right now because of Blu-Ray and LBP, but that could definitely all change in come mid-july. Banjo threeie could possibly bring sway me back to the 360, as could a number of yet to be announced products, of course.

Though I am sad that I'll be missing out on Halo and quality Valve products(though they did make the Orange Box for the PS3, left4dead is exclusively for PC and 360 atm, and Valve seems to have a better relationship with Microsoft in general), the PS3 seems to have enough quality shooters (KZ2, RFoM2) in the works to make up for Halo, and I've decided to get a Steam account for my Valve products.

polezo said:
I'm in the process of making this decision too, and I suggest you wait until E3 is over before you make any decisions. Personally, I'm leaning towards the PS3 right now because of Blu-Ray and LBP, but that could definitely all change in come mid-july. Banjo threeie could possibly bring sway me back to the 360, as could a number of yet to be announced products, of course.

Though I am sad that I'll be missing out on Halo and quality Valve products(though they did make the Orange Box for the PS3, left4dead is exclusively for PC and 360 atm, and Valve seems to have a better relationship with Microsoft in general), the PS3 seems to have enough quality shooters (KZ2, RFoM2) in the works to make up for Halo, and I've decided to get a Steam account for my Valve products.

Just one thing Polenzo. Whilst the shooters available are probably comparable in quality by the time KZ2 arives for instance, the variety and multiplayer options of shooters on the 360 will exceed the PS3.

If you like shooters, the Multiplatforms you get anyway are actually closest to the Sony exclusives in game type whereas with the Xbox360 tend to break the mold more.

If I had just one system - COD 4, Cod 5, MOH, Bioshock, are in a similar category to Killzone 2 and Resisistance 2. Whereas Halo 3, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead are all AAA shooters in DIFFERENT subgenres and they don't crowd around the same concepts all the time. I would miss the Gears of war and Halo 3, I could live without Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 because they're a little cookie cutter.


