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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What the Hell Paper Mario



I love all 3 though!

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It was disappointing. Bring back mario RPG I say!

I hope the next one will be on the Wii.

Also, it needs to be harder than TTYD because that was too easy, since you could level up all the way to 100. original max was level 27 with 50 HP/FP and 30 BP. Next one could at least do 75HP/FP and 45 BP at max. All not counting HP/FP + badges.

Wiitard448 said:

I played the first two paper mario's and loved them. So i picked up Super Paper Mario and hated it. Why whould they change Paper Mario after the first two were awesome?

Don't stress, its NOT the same game. Super Paper Mario is simply a spin-off - using some of the same "world", "graphics" and "concepts" - but a completely different gameplay style.

Thousand Year Door was my favourite game last gen, and I really didn't enjoy SPM very much. It was a good idea, but with lots of flaws.

I really hope the spiritual successor to TTYD is being developed now for the Wii, and will out in the next 12 months. Even if its a WiiWare title.


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