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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sexually explicit content

I don't see a problem with it. thekitchensink gave an example earlier on this thread of a sexual situation done in the proper context in the game Farenheit(Indigo Prophecy in the US) and it was spot on. Knowing the characters involved, a simple peck on the cheek and "G'night" would have seemed unbelievable(especially considering the dance beforehand.) As long as it is in the proper context of either advancing the story or providing some sort of explanation of a character's motivations or relationships, it's all good. Sometimes implied sex would work better, sometimes a sex scene would. As long as it wasn't gratuitous and inappropriate(i.e. Yuna needs some end-of-world-sex before taking on Sin, otherwise the poor girl won't be able to Summon.)

That said, no playable sex(even implied ala GOW), please. That's just sad.

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I really thought that the hand holding in ICO was brilliantly done.

"sex" in games doesn't have to be extremely explicit or even involve sex, I think it's more about the intimate relationship and bonds that we humans have that is important.

ICO was great, it really gave a sense of urgency to protect Yorda. Shadow of The Colossus was good too seeing as the back of the case (NA at least) says "What would you do for love".

Not exactly 'sexual', but it's a example of a caring emotion.


At least for me, this topic isn't about placing sexual content in every game because 'everybody' should experience it. It's about being a little annoyed (and a little bored) of seeing things like breasts the size of car tires. That size is obviously an overstatement, but I wouldn't doubt if character designers started making them that big....

I've said it in a thread a very long time ago, but Elena Fisher from Uncharted and Alyx Vance from Half-Life 2 are like a breath of fresh air in a sea consisting of many over sexed video game women.

Sexual content does not equal romance...


I would like to see more erected penis' in video games. I think it would be quite the suprise for all the ladies and me.


Who's with me!?



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

