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I don't see a problem with it. thekitchensink gave an example earlier on this thread of a sexual situation done in the proper context in the game Farenheit(Indigo Prophecy in the US) and it was spot on. Knowing the characters involved, a simple peck on the cheek and "G'night" would have seemed unbelievable(especially considering the dance beforehand.) As long as it is in the proper context of either advancing the story or providing some sort of explanation of a character's motivations or relationships, it's all good. Sometimes implied sex would work better, sometimes a sex scene would. As long as it wasn't gratuitous and inappropriate(i.e. Yuna needs some end-of-world-sex before taking on Sin, otherwise the poor girl won't be able to Summon.)

That said, no playable sex(even implied ala GOW), please. That's just sad.