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Forums - Website Topics - Ruh-roh: Simon Carless of Gamasutra/Game Set Watch analyzes VGChartz...

NJ5 said:
Just_Ben said:

No, not a second. I understand that he does feel deceived. I understand he doesn't like it. But he decided to play with the big boys, he should learn the rules in this thin air. Quick rather than so bad ;)


He will learn, just give this thing some days to rest...



Well this isn't the first time, so my hopes are pretty low, but it would be good to be suprised sometimes, positivly ;)


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ioi said:
@DMeisterJ - you are free to do whatever you want, as is everyone else. Use whatever data you see fit but the issue here isn't that vgc needs to change rather that people need to understand what vgc is trying to do rather than keep on misunderstanding again and again. It really was a breath of fresh air to read Mr Passarella's article and nice to see that some people, even in the industry, actually get it.

My post wasn't about me, I was just saying that there are other ways of comprehensive data from other sources.

I'm quite fine with the site and the numbers.

According to GameSetWatch was tracking 1/7 the site hits of VGC at the last recorded benchmark in June... these people aren't exactly anything special.

That said, all data trackers provide nothing but estimates. ALL. Famitsu and Media Create differ as much as 40% on a given week, and each one tracks more of the Japanese market than NPD tracks of the NA market. Pretending any sales data gives anything more than a basic idea of sales trends is laughable.

Sales data is a guideline, not facts.  This is true about any tracker on the market.  We provide a guide... a rough estimate.  A general idea of the direction of sales that can be used to determine more about the market.  As long as we are under official shipment numbers we are doing a reasonable job of showing people the direction of the market.


Welcome to the world of journalism? ioi can be a child who can't get a joke? He should learn the rules?

How condescending and patronizing can you be?

I can't believe ioi is still willing to continue this free site if this is a typical response from regular posters here.

You should realize that putting ;) at the end of your posts does not make them less offensive. In fact, it just makes your posts more annoying ;) (See?)

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

ok. I do not see why we need three pages of beef here.

VGC does not charge for the numbers, they generally do a good job. The database is very useful. The numbers are about 95% accurate after 4-5 weeks. So if you are really that concerned look at the data 1 month late. Just discipline yourself. Always read the week 5 before the current.

As for me I usually have a hunch when VGC is off, and I ussually can tell myself a certain number is wrong. I thought VGC was too low for March SSBB and too high for April GTA4(and PS3/360 hw) and I was right...

If I was paying for these number I would be concerned... BUT THEY ARE FREE!!!

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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I think you really should not post here anymore.

- because you apparently don't have a minimum amount of respect to those who have been working their asses off to provide FREE ESTIMATES for YOUR fun, have maintained the community where you can hang around, have tried hard to establish some credibility among skeptics, and have trusted a journalist that presented good faith and were unfortunately deceived by him.

You should spend at least ten years in some industry that gets a lot of public attention and should learn how hard it is to combat rogue journalism like this. The last thing this site needs is your little condescending lecture on journalism.

I hope you got my point because I don't have time to dissect your marginally-interesting response with a smiley mark. Mass Effect is waiting for me.

So long.

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

While I understand ioi's point and think the McDonald's to the gourmet burger is a great analogy, I think there are some issues. While I think the site is great in everything, and come here at least 5 or 6 times a day, I have trouble with one concept.

I don't know if the VGChartz press team is misleading them or not, but the article makes a good point that newspapers/media citing vgchartz are in a sticky situation as they are referencing numbers that may be very rough estimates (a la MGS4), especially when those numbers may change days later. I don't know if VGChartz is somehow contacting these papers and giving them the wrong impression, but if they are, I think that's wrong.

I think VGChartz is great for what it does and I appreciate all you've done to provide us with information. I just hope the site's not misleading other press to get more promotion.

I don't understand your logic student. Why would VGChartz want bad press?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

It's about to make the round at Kotaku.

super_etecoon said:

It's about to make the round at Kotaku.


I've made a thread about it: