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Forums - Website Topics - We need changes here - Fanboy threads/personal attacks OUT OF CONTROL

Griffin said:
RolStoppable said:
Yes Griffin, we also could make zackblue a mod while we are at it.

Who is this Zackblue person you speak of, i've never heard of him, but if you think he is good enough to be a mod then he must be one great poster




ZackBlue is (or, rather, was) Leo-J's Alt Account.

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Maybe you should put up a list over what is unacceptable (as in what should be reported)

Knowing what to report is fairly hard. I've had this situation a few times.

Person 1 leaves a post in a prediction thread, staying on topic, and leaving arguments. He predicts something, and tells why he does so.

Now person 2 quotes him and says "you're predictions are way off!" and leaves a predicition that says Ps3 will sell 140M this gen, without any reasoning.

This has happened at least 3 times, and I haven't reported it. I have no idea whether I should or not, and I believe that someone else will report if needed. But as it appears to me, everybody but 20 people believe that. Those 3 people however, go nuts on reporting (apparently).

So what I believe we need, is a "reporting rules" section in the forum rules, so we know what could be reported.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS


Call me old fashioned; but I'm an independent man, I believe in what I do, I have enough knowledge and confidence in myself to not make myself look like or be an ass at the expense of other people, I make it my goal to hurt whoever does this. If you’re a name on a forum or a warm body in front of me - if I see someone taking advantage of you I'll fight for your confidence and independence.

A person has to type their points after all.

With that said, I'm completely against the "Big Brother" concept, the less mod activity needed the better, but people have to start being smart which give the mods less opportunity to be dumb.



Also Trolling isn't as subjective as you give it credit for, if a person attacks another person without giving a reason (By person I mean their beliefs, values and attitudes) even after someone asks for an explanation then that's trolling.


The explanation doesn't even have to be based on fact, or have evidence - as long as their is an explanation that is outside the realm of the initial posts attitude and is explaining the post then that is not trolling.


ie. Poster 1 "I think PS3's year is 2008."

Troll "Nope try 2022."

Troll 2 "Nope it's 2023!"

Poster 1 "Why? would you say that?"

Troll " Because Ps3 is ghey!"

Troll 2 "Every year these guys have been looking for a year, it's on an 11 year plan isn't it? Look at the PS2 after it's plan was up."


One is just a troll the other is just ignorant. Only one of them is hurting the site and it's community, the other is here and will adjust as if he's here he can learn, and the community will rub off on him. "Ignorance drowns in knowledge."

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

MontanaHatchet said:

This is what happens when we do our job, however.

I really really wanna know what he said now >.<


Griffin said:
Gnizmo said:
Leetgeek said:
Pffft Squilliam has no Problem with "troll" posts that argue in favor of M$ or Nintento. Nor do 14/16 moderators. How can anyone say this site isn't bias? Let's be real.

Talonman, Montana, Twesterm, Naznatips, Ssj12, Bodhestava, and Roadkillers off the top of my head show little to no bias against the PS3. I am certain more of the moderators fit into that mold as well, but I have forgotten most of their names right now. Fishyjoe, and Mrstickball are the only ones who seem to ever rile up the PS3 fanboys for fun. Rocketpig is pretty brutal on MGS fans, but that is just incidentally related to PS3 fans.


Twesterm and Naznatips have showed their bias in the past before they were mods from what i remember, but they are pretty good guys now.  Of course i have changed a lot so it might just be my view of how things happened in the past.

I think the mods are doing their best for the site, sure some posts or posters are not dealt with fast enough, but this is not due to the mods not doing their job, they just don't have enough time to spend on the site.  Maybe getting 3more mods too fill in the empty zones will be best.  But not to hand out crazy bans and shit but just to keep things in check by giving out warnings if they go to far and reporting in to the head mods incase further action is needed.

This will allow the higher up mods to do their job in less time then what it takes now.

Plus you guys could always make me a mod, i'm very unbias and don't give a shit about the console wars or fanboy crap.


 Roadkillers, Ssj12, and Bodhestava all have very obious opinions and leanings in the "console wars," as well. I am speaking from a moderator stand point only. Everyone is going to prefer one thing over another.


 Trolling can have a lot of shades of grey though. I could say the PS3 sucks because it has no games. That could easily be me trolling, or I might have just thought it was implyed that it was from my perspective. Was it trolling or just me being stupid for a second and not being completely clear with my opinion? 

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Thats where responsibility comes in to play, conversations take at least two people, assumption is the birth place of what is incorrect in this world. The mod or the intial poster or someone else should at least ask for an explanation.

If no response at all, then leave it be and the moderator should put the person on warning - if the user continues to explain but; (and I hate quoting myself:) "The explanation doesn't even have to be based on fact, or have evidence - as long as their is an explanation that is outside the realm of the initial posts attitude and is explaining the post then that is not trolling."

It only seems subjective if your the person who can only see subjective points. Grey is a term for the lazy who don't want to spend enough time to understand where someone is coming from.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

dib8rman said:

Thats where responsibility comes in to play, conversations take at least two people, assumption is the birth place of what is incorrect in this world. The mod or the intial poster or someone else should at least ask for an explanation.

If no response at all, then leave it be and the moderator should put the person on warning - if the user continues to explain but; (and I hate quoting myself:) "The explanation doesn't even have to be based on fact, or have evidence - as long as their is an explanation that is outside the realm of the initial posts attitude and is explaining the post then that is not trolling."

It only seems subjective if your the person who can only see subjective points. Grey is a term for the lazy who don't want to spend enough time to understand where someone is coming from.


 That opens it up a lot to easy trolling. If you want to have the "explain it away logically," rule I can whip any board of my choosing into a frenzy once or twice a week and never have anyone question why at the end. So is repeated use of that defense stealth trolling? What if it gets mixed in with a reasonable posts once and a while to keep the mods from being too suspicious? The responsibility to communicate effectively the first time falls directly on the user. The world is only black and white if you are colorblind to grey. Just because it isn't obvious that someone is trolling does not make the trolling any less disruptive.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Griffin said:
trestres said:
@Griffin: You're not in a position to ask about modship. After being banned many times I'd doubt you have a chance.

It would be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the mod team to appoint you like a mod.


I know i don't have a chance because certain mods hate me and it will always be that way.  But i have only received a couple bans with this account, i just never explained my point very well and the mods think i'm trying to start shit, so they give me a ban. 

And i don't see how making me a mod would be a big mistake, you guys seem to think i'm some really bad poster or something.


I think this is real reason...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
weezy said:
This thread is a joke. Here is a tissue for you babies.


Seems all the perma bans are making the most sense on these forums lately.

The personal attacks are not out of control and the trolling isn't that bad. We are on website without any form of word filtering and yet we rarely have retarded comment such as "you're gay" or "I fucked your mom". Sometimes, there are a few personal attacks but it's nothing a little ban cannot cure. I think the mods are doing a great job and it should remain the same.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...