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Maybe you should put up a list over what is unacceptable (as in what should be reported)

Knowing what to report is fairly hard. I've had this situation a few times.

Person 1 leaves a post in a prediction thread, staying on topic, and leaving arguments. He predicts something, and tells why he does so.

Now person 2 quotes him and says "you're predictions are way off!" and leaves a predicition that says Ps3 will sell 140M this gen, without any reasoning.

This has happened at least 3 times, and I haven't reported it. I have no idea whether I should or not, and I believe that someone else will report if needed. But as it appears to me, everybody but 20 people believe that. Those 3 people however, go nuts on reporting (apparently).

So what I believe we need, is a "reporting rules" section in the forum rules, so we know what could be reported.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS