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Forums - Website Topics - We need changes here - Fanboy threads/personal attacks OUT OF CONTROL

I think some people need to take a deep breath, remember it´s just videogames we´re talking about here, machines to entertain us in our spare time.No need to defend them to death.

'Tribal behaviour' over such silly things >_>

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TalonMan said:


Exactly - and for every one of these types of posts that you are showing restraint towards, there will be 5 or 6 other people who will report the same exact post as 'trolling'.

Yeah, we could do what your saying and warn people for reporting things that aren't against the rules - but the problem is, trolling is so DAMN subjective. It's just not as black & white as say 'flaming' or 'spamming' or any other the other rules we have in place. And then we'll wind up having debates with users who've reported something as trolling, we disagreed with them and warned them not to report such things, and instead of fighting with YOU guys, we'll be fighting with THEM!!!! And they'll be flooding the forum with threads like this insisting the reporting system is flawed...     ...stalemate???




 Well there is the alternative of mixing a positive feedback system in with the negative. Essentially you find some way to reward people for reporting bad posts consistently and use them to fight the negative reporters for you. It is a very hard situation to get around I admit. More so because the moderation here has always been so soft, and the few times it isn't there is a stream of people throwing temper tantrums over it. This would hurt the alternative system I suggested as well though as it would likely lead to an escalating hissy fit thread war between the two sides of the arguement, and then everyone loses.

 The only way I can see the system working is if it was eased into. Start by saying the policy exists, and then just do a verbal warning for any offense. After a few weeks you start punishing the repeat offenders and throw out hard numbers and possible examples of the bad reports they have to try and stem the early tide of tears. This would require a "non-trivial" amount of extra time from the moderators though, so it might not be logistically possible.

 Pick your poison is clearly the option you guys have infront of you right now. I know the one I would go with, but it is neither my decision nor in-line with previous administrative calls. I can try to brain storm on it if this is in anyway an actuall issue for the mod team, but I suspect it is just a matter of explaining how things run to those on the outside right now.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
Leetgeek said:
Pffft Squilliam has no Problem with "troll" posts that argue in favor of M$ or Nintento. Nor do 14/16 moderators. How can anyone say this site isn't bias? Let's be real.

Talonman, Montana, Twesterm, Naznatips, Ssj12, Bohestava, and Roadkillers off the top of my head show little to no bias against the PS3. I am certain more of the moderators fit into that mold as well, but I have forgotten most of their names right now. Fishyjoe, and Mrstickball are the only ones who seem to ever rile up the PS3 fanboys for fun. Rocketpig is pretty brutal on MGS fans, but that is just incidentally related to PS3 fans.


If that isn't brownosing I don't know what is.

This thread is a joke. Here is a tissue for you babies.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Leetgeek said:
Gnizmo said:
Leetgeek said:
Pffft Squilliam has no Problem with "troll" posts that argue in favor of M$ or Nintento. Nor do 14/16 moderators. How can anyone say this site isn't bias? Let's be real.

Talonman, Montana, Twesterm, Naznatips, Ssj12, Bohestava, and Roadkillers off the top of my head show little to no bias against the PS3. I am certain more of the moderators fit into that mold as well, but I have forgotten most of their names right now. Fishyjoe, and Mrstickball are the only ones who seem to ever rile up the PS3 fanboys for fun. Rocketpig is pretty brutal on MGS fans, but that is just incidentally related to PS3 fans.


If that isn't brownosing I don't know what is.


 More accurately it is picking apart your troll post with remarkable ease. If this is the best you can do to bait people just give up now. It is just sad to see what you type currently.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network
weezy said:
This thread is a joke. Here is a tissue for you babies.

My sentiments as well.  If something offends you, ignore it. 

If something or someone is preventing you from having a productive discussion in a thread, report it.

If someone is going to get offended by every little thing and comment they see, the internet itself (let alone the forums) is definitely not a place for them to be visiting.

Flame wars always happen there is no stopping them you just have to accept it and get out of the way if you don't want to end up attacked thats all you can do because if mods were trying to only stop flaming wars they woulndt be able to do anything else.

"Like you know"

The mods here do an excellent job of correcting obvious issues. This site is VERY tame. If you have an issue with something that is happening, make friends with one of the Mods and contact them personally. They have always handled things quite respectably from what I've seen. Heck the mods often slap people on the wrists and people fall back in line. They are very good at keeping the peace. This site is all about fanboy flame bait. The fact that we don't see very much flaming happening is a very good sign.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Forums would be boring without arguments.

Words Of Wisdom said:
weezy said:
This thread is a joke. Here is a tissue for you babies.

My sentiments as well. If something offends you, ignore it.

If something or someone is preventing you from having a productive discussion in a thread, report it.

If someone is going to get offended by every little thing and comment they see, the internet itself (let alone the forums) is definitely not a place for them to be visiting.


I agree.


@shamless** god damn your sig. is fing annoying.

good lord...

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

