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Forums - Website Topics - We need changes here - Fanboy threads/personal attacks OUT OF CONTROL

MontanaHatchet said:

This is what happens when we do our job, however.

Yes, I know...

Surely, reviewing threads made by users below 50-100 posts before they are posted, giving a reason when people are banned and stick it permamently in their signature until the time is up and perhaps have people more people take responsibility for the forum and relying less on the moderators would all help?

That way you can A. Prevent problems before they occur and cause a massive flame war, B. When you are forced to take action, the reason is clear as day so people who are reasonable can understand and the process is more open and C. People will always complain, but with consistancy you'll drive away the people who cause problems eventually.

I remember when certain people were banned, one permabanned and how much quieter and civilized this place got.



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Honestly, I'm just too tired right now to think about it all. Bod is the only other mod on right now and he moderates lightly. Frankly, we should just be adding new mods every time the rest of us lose ambition, which seems to be the case here.



I really don't know if you have personal issues and I don't care. Since you do your job well, I'm pleased.
On topic. The problem is quite obvious. And I really don't understand why certain users who create certain braindead threads, are still active.
I don't wanna name, and its not my job to do so. But noone here is blind.
"Sony or MS" "Will 360 dissapear" "Is PS3 a money sink?" "MGS4 or Wii Fit?" "discuss people"
Discuss fuckin what you moron?
The sad thing is that suddenly these threads have 70 posts, and are in the front page all the time, cause WE keep them active. So, first of all, WE, USERS, have to ignore these idiots. For gods sake, how is it possible to participate in such dumbass debates?
But many people do. Is this immaturity or stupidity? I don't know.
The bad thing is, many serious users are discouraged from this situation and leave the site. So, inevitably, the users quality is falling apart. And this is fatal for the site.

If you don't like the thread don't read it . A forum is a collection of people voicing their opinions and no matter how stupid or ilogical you may find it to be, it is their opinion .

I agree with banning/deleting if the post's contains something offensive,racist , disciminatory etc but complaining about Fanboys ? they are basicly synonymous with gaming forums.

@SnowWhiteDrug , if I wanted a "justice system" as you put it i'd walk to my local police station not log on to

A solution that will make everyone happy:

1) Make a forum for fanboy wars. Let people get it out of their system.
2) Ban anyone trolling anywhere else, including sales reports.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

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If I was a moderator all I'd have to do is ban Starcraft - instant respect. I bet a lot of people think we're lovers or something. :)

I nominate NJ5 - I think he'd be a good mod. Shio/Sqrl are also very good and very even handed. There are a few more, but they come to mind first. Oh yea Epsilon! That cat is so full of win it'd scare the trolls away.


Well, lets face it, we've just had this huge un-permabanning of various members, and I think it's given way to a mentality that goes kinda like this:

"well, they eventually got unbanned, so i can be the next Gballzack or Kirby007 or something and get 15 minutes of fame by insulting people before I finally get banned, and all I'll have to do is wait it out and I'll be like Jesus getting resurrected or Chuck Norris making his second movie when I finally get unpermabanned! It's just gonna take a bit to weed out those members that need permabaned again and keep them that way."

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


frybread said:
A solution that will make everyone happy:

1) Make a forum for fanboy wars. Let people get it out of their system.
2) Ban anyone trolling anywhere else, including sales reports.

1. Thats a good idea, make Rock_on post only in that forum - JK

2. Trolling yes - jokes and passion no. Personal attacks are bad, but that doesn't mean you can't be passionate for your argument.



Your basicly nomitating every Nintendo Fan/Fanboy to kick every Sony Fan/Fanboys , 360 Fan/Fanboys asses. They tend see differences in opinion as trolling unless it's Nintendo related.

Edit : This thread is a "personal attack" ironicaly , from what i've seen you've already mentioned the names of two people who haven't even posted in this thread. Maybe my defintion of a personal attack is wrong but it looks like your using this thread for your own agenda , nomiating mods , calling out users WTF ?

a perticular mod i am not going to name is in my hate list because he banned me but oh well i am back.