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Forums - PC Discussion - Anyone remember Jazz Jackrabbit 2?

Great game.. from the makers that brings you Gears of War 2 (cliffyB) and Killzone 2 (Arjan Brusse) isn't that funny..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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Nuudoru said:
I actually played it not so long ago. Some friend of mine had it as his USB memory he always took to school. We used to play co-op at lunch. It was fun but I like the first one better. Didn't that one has some weird 3D mini-game?

Yeah, it did. First you had to find a bonus gem in a certain level. After you beat that level, you got to run around in a really grainy-looking 3D road maze collecting blue gems to earn 1-ups. And you also could run into floating hands, glowing spin-thingys, exit signs and such.

Good times.


Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

Mise said:
Nuudoru said:
I actually played it not so long ago. Some friend of mine had it as his USB memory he always took to school. We used to play co-op at lunch. It was fun but I like the first one better. Didn't that one has some weird 3D mini-game?

Yeah, it did. First you had to find a bonus gem in a certain level. After you beat that level, you got to run around in a really grainy-looking 3D road maze collecting blue gems to earn 1-ups. And you also could run into floating hands, glowing spin-thingys, exit signs and such.

Good times.



Yeah. Now I remember. I even found a clip of it at youtube. I got a huge feeling of nostalgia.


Shake and bake, it just happend.