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Forums - Gaming Discussion - is Waehawk a good game?

Yeah the game is awesome, especially now that there is a VGChartz gathering for the game, like every weekend.

I'm going to scoop the game up at a later date more than likely. I liked the game, but got fustrated because I was getting killed alot and I wanted to kill people more than they were killing me in Warhawk :P

But anywhoooo...purchase it, I will too!!!

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Warhawk is an excellent game. It can be bewildering at first just getting dropped into the battle with no tutorials. Those first battles can seem very hectic with you probably dying alot. Stick with it the game is a blast when things start to fall into place.

I play with other vgchartzers in the bi-weekly league. Although we play most weeks now and have some great times.

We are stickied at the top of the playstation forums. Post any questions you have about the game in there. We have players of all skill levels and everyone is welcome.


Warhawk is a good game. Not great, but good. Outside of the Warhawk itself, it's pretty bland in design. It's not my personal style of game but if you want an online shooter with good legs, it's about the best thing going on the PS3.

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if you like battlefield games you will probably like it. it's more arcadey than say battlefield 2 but keep in mind that there's a very steep learning curve, especially for flying warhawks.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

warhawk is an ace game, it features good grafix, good sound and solid dedicated server gameplay

if you can find it cheap id get hold of it its a blast to play but it online only

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Retrasado said:
Warhawk takes a while to learn and you will find yourself blown out of the sky hundreds of times before you get the hang of it. (there's no tutorial or single-player mode) However, once you DO learn it, it can stand up next to CoD4 and end up looking pretty good. The balance between the air warfare and the ground warfare is excellent and the online community is large and for the most part, very civil. Warhawk is the kind of game that you play for a while, go away to play newer games, but then find yourself coming back again and again. It's like the ultimate "fall-back" game to play when your other games get old.

This is quoted because it is an excellent summary of the Warhawk experience.

If you allow Warhawk to grow on you, you will love it. On the other hand, I have more then a few friends on the PSN that hate it and would never play it with me. Which is why I formed the Warhawk league.

You really should give the league a serious try if you get the game. I virtually guarantee that it is the friendliest competition you will find. We really welcome all skill levels, but your first games will be brutal, but at least you will be among VGC friends.