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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The sales of the 360 are going up in Japan.

i think with tales and infinite and then last remnant, and with star ocean4 , the xbox 360 will have week sales over 5k and as high as 10k in those weeks. i hope they can do more in sales for the xbox 360 then those. microsoft's made very few products that were shoddy made, the early xbox 360's were and those that were made for the past 9+ months were made very well. if the comment made about japan doesnt buy shoddy products referring to the xbox 360 in japan, then by that remark the ppl in japan shouldnt buy the playstation brand either, because their playstation systems have their share of problems too, bad lasers reading disks & freezing and just shutting off & signals being dropped with the controllers. each system has had their share of problems , and have fixed the problems very well for both of them. i think the main reason the xbox 360 doesnt sell in japan in 1. its a american company and 2. for the most part it didnt have the games they wanted and that problem is being fixed with all these rpg's. i have all the systems and love them all, but i hate when ppl completely loyal to one system bashes another one for no other reason than being a fanboy. ppl should just love the games and just enjoy them. what a concept?





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Considering it is the 360 is doing much better than the XBox and the PS3 is doing horribly and pathetic comparing it to the PS2 is great for MS. While MS is going ahead SONY goes behind.

You can look at it from a few points of view, thibje, and you've always been the optimist of Japan (and I've been the realist).

The X360 has underperformed this year...Badly. It's sold around 55,000 consoles YTD versus last year's cume of 100,000 in the same timeframe. Big games on the 360 this year haven't pushed hardware like they did last year, which shows that the console has reached a penetration level with current fare that shows that consumers might not be interested in buying the console en-masse for mid-tier games like Ninja Gaiden, or Idolmaster: Live4U

However, on the bright side: The 360 has bigger games coming up than ever before. A real Tales game, a Square Enix/TriAce, game in IU, and eventually Star Ocean 4 should really help hardware, as those 3 games have been unmatched in terms of 3rd party support. I think that 1, or even 2 of those games (most likely ToV and SO4) have a good shot at re-energizing 360 purchases, to some sort of decent level.

My prediction: X360 will continue to sell ~2k until boosts from ToV, and IU. ToV will push the 360 past 10k for the first time this year. The 360 will still sell well over 1m consoles in it's lifetime in Japan.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

NeoRatt said:
Microsoft is definately still trying in Japan...

Ninja Gaiden II probably helps fortunes right now...

And Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean timed exclusivity, Inifinite Undiscovery, and Last Remnant timed exclusivity help. But, let's face the facts. 360 is not winning in Japan and will never win Japan...

But, 360 is doing much better then original XBox Japan and the next XBox will probably improve their standing again... Microsoft is executing a long term strategy and it is showing world wide... Back when the PS3 was first released everyone was predicting a 2007 end to 360... Here we are in mid-2008 and 360 is still comfortably ahead of PS3 in worldwide units sold to date for probably at least this year.

With the way Sony dominated last generation I think 360 is doing just fine and Microsoft has to be happy that they are still in the race at this point. 3rd Party support is very strong and any 360 owner will tell you they are more then happy with the amount and quality of content they have seen to date. There are very few third party games not coming to 360.

If Microsoft did not have the RRoD issue, Sony would be in a lot of trouble right now. That is the biggest reason anybody I talk to cites for not buying a 360 over PS3...


No, most people were expecting the PS3 to fail in 2007 while the 360 dominated the HD market. What we saw was a monumental comeback by Sony, taking huge chunks of what the 360 should have taken that year, with the PS3 now gaining momentum and will outsell the 360 within a year.



I think these new rpgs will help the 360 in Japan a little bit, but who knows how much. However, the thing I think is the most funny about the whole Japanese market argument is that the PS3 sells poorly in Japan too. Except for the recent short-lived sales boost it got from MGS4, the PS3 isn't doing well in Japan either. Unless you think 8,000 units a week is good.

My point is that except for Wii fans, nobody has any right to brag AT ALL about their console of choice selling well in Japan. Japan is the land of the Wii and the handhelds most weeks.

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Gamer4life said:
Considering it is the 360 is doing much better than the XBox and the PS3 is doing horribly and pathetic comparing it to the PS2 is great for MS. While MS is going ahead SONY goes behind.


Youve been banned (again) so you cant reply, but seriously this logic is flawed.

By your logic, the DS is a total failure because it hasnt outsold the Game Boy Advanced, by your logic the Wii is a failure because it hasnt outsold the SNES or NES. By your logic the DS is a failure because it (Nintendos handheld division) went from nearly 100% market share to only around 60% Market share when the PSP came out.

See, flawed. The 360 had a year head start, simultaneous releases, lower prices, better online, better game line up and billions in marketing, and its being outsold week over week by the PS3 now.

Did MS do better this time around? Yes. Is Sony loosing to them? Hardly.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

Videogirl said:
JaggedSac said:
I believe Japanese people view Microsoft as a 200ft monster that wants to destroy them.


No, they just don't buy shoddy products.


So how do you explain the PS1 and PS2 winning in Japan with their shoddy construction and the PS3 floundering with solid construction?

Darc Requiem said:
Videogirl said:
JaggedSac said:
I believe Japanese people view Microsoft as a 200ft monster that wants to destroy them.


No, they just don't buy shoddy products.


So how do you explain the PS1 and PS2 winning in Japan with their shoddy construction and the PS3 floundering with solid construction?

You're actually comparing the 360's problems with the PS1 and PS2? DRE is a fixable feat.RROD is not,only replacements.

Sales of the X360 consoles are dead low below 2000 per week in Japan.

ToV bundled will increase the sales to 10,000 for at least a week, maybe more and then slow down to 3,000.