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Forums - Gaming Discussion - best multi-player game this gen

I'd have to say MGO. So flawed but so fun :)

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

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i say,cod4,because i have it,i never played ssbb because i don't owne a wii,so i don't now,but cod4 has an awesome multiplayer off line or online its the best

Lol, Twesterm, you win :3

Anyhow, I'ma have to say Brawl too. It's the most fun for sure.

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls. far.

I'm hoping RFoM 2 will deliver on its online promises.

My End of 2008 Hardware Predictions (console only):

Wii : 50 million

360: 28 million

PS3: 24 million

These predictions were made on January 3rd and won't be revised


Call of duty 4


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CoD 4, but i think R2 could take the crown

Mario Kart Wii for me - no doubt about it.

SSBB isn't out yet though, so perhaps that will change it.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Wii Sports. I have never had more fun gaming than playing that with my mates while drunk.

Oh and local multiplayer > online multiplayer.

offline: mario kart wii (damn you lucky bastards who have brawl before europeans) i don't have wii connected to the internet yet so i don't know about online gaming.
online: so far gears of war

1st Battlefield :Bad Company

2nd Call of Duty 4

3rd HALO3