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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales of Vesperia Demo Review Thread (and how you can play it)

Got the demo! It's gonna be a nice game.

Anyways, RPG's are probably the worst genre as far as demos goes. The games are too big and expanding just for a 40 mins gameplay bit to show much about it - cue in for blue dragon demo =/

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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VERY nice new gameplay footage with Japanese voiceovers

starcraft said:
I'm too nervous to mess around with my gamertag and profile.

One the demo is released officially in PAL I'll put some impressions up.


 You don't need to mess around with your GT or profile, just setup a new account on the xbox website and use a fake email address.

I played the demo yesterday and I'm very happy that a great JRPG is coming to my 360 :)

Slimebeast said:
As for the demo, well... this didn't help me to understand what is good about JRPGs. It was like watching a cartoon - the type of cartoons I despised when I was a kid myself.


Why do you even bother for a genre you don´t like? I don´t play games that belong to genres I dislike. But, if you really want to find out if jRPGs could appeal to you, then Tales of is not the right one since its far from the reprensentative jRPG. Namco Bandai themselves said this is an anime RPG, which consists of a mixture of anime and jRPG.

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I wonder why most of your guys' version of the demo had the English voices. When I dl'ed it the demo had Japanese voices and Japanese text. Maybe it's because my console settings are set to Japan/Japanese and that's how they were when I dl'ed it. When I changed it to the USA/English in the settings menu it didn't affect the demo settings. (I'm using a JP 360 Elite.)

Anyway, I let my gf try out the demo over the weekend and she enjoyed it. Though, she had no idea of the characters abilities/etc. she still liked it.I didn't ask her for a detailed analysis of the demo though. She's a huge Tales of fan, too. Looks like I'll be picking this up, so she can play it in Aug. (I'm getting Tales of Symphonia 2: KoR for the Wii, this week for her, too ;-p)

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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