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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the better final fantasy game Final fantasy X or Final fantasy 12

Hmm, tough question, I'll say 12 because I enjoyed quite a lot of it; the characters weren't great as people have pointed out but Baltheir and Basch stood out as some of the better characters in the Final Fantasy universe.

I never got into X personally, though it was very good from what I played, I just didn't have the time.

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The US voices in FFX sucks big time, even more as the voices don't match with the lips. I prefer therefore the Japanese version of FFX, yes ... I have both EU / JP version. Luckily they've done a whole lot better job in FFXII in where the voices were amazing, but somehow... I don't like FFXII. I haven't even finished it yet. I don't like the battles, the story. I don't bother big worlds but I do when a village contains over 100 people to talk to, as in the beginning of Rabanastra or whatever it was called. I do like the idea of seeing enemies on screen instead of random encounters, but the idea as if you're in the middle of a MMO game like FFXII did I found a lot less interesting.

I agree with spdk1 on this matter, I'd rather have the more action oriented battles like in SOIII for instance in a seperate battle-field. Although FFX was mosly in the beginning pretty linear, I love that game 10 times more, especially because of its story and the battle system. Plus personally I loved the Sphere Grid system somewhat more, plus FFX had so much more atmosphere which I really missed in FFXII.

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IMO Well FFX beats FFXII by a long shot.

The story of FFX was a billion times better than FFXII.

The heavily political story of FFXII was roughly the equivalent of watching a Final Fantasy equivalent of C-SPAN for me

FFX was the better final fantasy game, but if FFXII was a game of a different series I wouldn't of hated it so much. I love turn-base rpgs more and thought Final Fantasy was fine turn based, but when they made it real time, I didn't like it as much. IF only square enix made XII another part of another series, and kept Final Fantasy turn based. Also I prefer the story of both IV VI, and IX to both X and XII. So in conclusion.

The better final fantasy game- FFX, but FFXII could have been better if I didn't expect a game that stuck to the series roots so much and if it was a new IP.

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IMO, they both suck hard. Though, I did manage to play FFX a few more hours than I lasted in FF12, so I guess that means FFX wins by default.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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I enjoyed both, but FF X definitely does have the edge

I liked FF12 for me. The series has needed a breath of fresh air for some time and FF12 did exactly that. I for one, got sick of love driven angst fueling the story line. I definitely liked the introduction of the gambits and other things in 12, so yeah, FF12 for me. Although that might just be the Zelda player in me talking... having an enormous amount of time to make decisions in battle has always aggravated me. You should be thinking on your feet.

ff10 is miles above ff12, ff12 is without a doubt the worst ff game and one of the worst rpg's i've ever played, bad graphics/ bad controls/ a gimped battle system of ff11 without real ppl/ bad story and no getting attached to the characters, this game made me feel square-enix has lost their ability to make a great ff game.





*~Onna76~* said:
The US voices in FFX sucks big time, even more as the voices don't match with the lips. I prefer therefore the Japanese version of FFX, yes ... I have both EU / JP version. Luckily they've done a whole lot better job in FFXII in where the voices were amazing, but somehow... I don't like FFXII. I haven't even finished it yet. I don't like the battles, the story. I don't bother big worlds but I do when a village contains over 100 people to talk to, as in the beginning of Rabanastra or whatever it was called. I do like the idea of seeing enemies on screen instead of random encounters, but the idea as if you're in the middle of a MMO game like FFXII did I found a lot less interesting.

I agree with spdk1 on this matter, I'd rather have the more action oriented battles like in SOIII for instance in a seperate battle-field. Although FFX was mosly in the beginning pretty linear, I love that game 10 times more, especially because of its story and the battle system. Plus personally I loved the Sphere Grid system somewhat more, plus FFX had so much more atmosphere which I really missed in FFXII.


I was about to say the same thing, though I played the English version. Sure the voices don't match the lips and so but it never bothered me that much.

I find XII extreamly boring.