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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fanboy Confessions

Name 5 games that you wish you could get, but can't because you don't own the console it's on (No retro games, no future releases, please no ROMS let's keep this pertinent).

For me it's


Super Mario Galaxy

Metroid Prime 3

No More Heroes

Mass Effect






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Super Mario Galaxy
Wii Fit
Mario Kart Wii
No More Heroes
Twilight Princess Wii version

The only console/handheld I'm missing is the 360 so:

Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Eternal Sonata
maybe Gears of War

I'm only missing a PS3 so of the games that are out for it i would have to say Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank maybe.

Banjo Kazooie
Super mario galaxy
Super smash bros brawl

That is all


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Just don't have PS3 so

Now if I could have future titles I would add LBP and FF...

Former something....


That's about it for the moment. A few more future releases I wouldn't mind having either.

Umm I guess:

- Mario Kart Wii

ya know i can't even name 5 wii games i'd want. Thats why i don't own one. I have PS3 and 360, so you know i could afford a Wii, i just don't have the desire to buy one.

Don't have a PS3 yet so:
Ratchet & Clank
Metal Gear Solid 4

Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Metal Gear Solid 4
Dead Rising
Assassin's Creed

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