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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii and the third-party "doom"

the solution for all the third parties devs that might lose is its dirt cheap to dev a game and you can be pretty loose with what you make...i mean we have seen what half a dozen until now unheard of studios produce some quality games?


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True, maybe that is where we should look towards for quality now.

flames_of - "I think you're confusing Bush with Chuck Norris."

 Wii: 80-85 Million end of 2009 (1.1.09)

2 things will improve quality:

1. Since most of the big Nintendo exclusives are already out (Mario, Zelda, SSMB, Mario Kart etc.) 3rd party sales percentages will hopefully increase in the near future encouraging more 3rd party support, which should result in larger budgets and higher quality games.

2. Good games will take longer to develop, especially when you're trying to incorporate something as unique as the Wii remote. I expect we'll see a couple quality 3rd party titles late fall.

3rd party support is going to take a while no question. Firstly Nintendo's in-house developers had the most exposure to the various intracasies (sp?) of the Wii concept. I find many 3rd party developers absolutely struggling to get control concepts fluid. Also the haste to put a title out there I'm sure has dampened the quality of Wii games thus far.
Cost in software is an additional factor. Wii is obviously an economic platform an appeals to gamers who actually want to be able to afford games and stuff for their system and not just have it sit there and become a glorified DVD player, then get on the forums and bitch about how much they hate Nintendo fans. Ahem, at any rate, with an onslought of titles debuting for $20-$30 production costs will obviously be cut because they arent making as much per sale.
I think the greatest boost though in quality 3rd Party support will come from titles such as Guitar Hero World Tour. When a 3rd party can step in and demonstrate that the nay-sayers are wrong about the aledged limitations of the Wii and can make something fantastic on it a groundswell could be in the making. Also Nintendo is coming off of a big slump from the last generation. Many developers probably abandoned Nintendo after the Gamecube and now are probably considering throwing their hat back in the ring.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

It doesn't matter.

1. Publishers are content to publish sub-peak games that are easy to port for both HD consoles & PC and rake in profits.

2. Publishers are content to see lower revenues but higher profits on Wii, knowing that they can release crappy-to-mediocre games.

For the rest of the generation we will see very few good core games for Wii from third parties (This is not a prediction, but by this I mean something like: +/-1 90% & +/-3 85% metacritic third party games per year for '09 and '10 for Wii). I stick by my theme though:

There are more good (75%) core games for any one console than almost all gamers will have time to play or can afford.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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rajendra82 said:
Smash_Brother said:
windbane said:
Smash_Brother: The only objective way to look at it is using metacritic/gamerankings of past and present games, and I think the proof is there already.

Halo is owned by Microsoft.

If GTA went to Wii, it would be as big of a deal as it was when it went to PSP. The problem is there aren't many big-name released from third parties on Wii. I think the change would be Wii owners would stop bashing GTA, actually.


1. If all you looked at was game rankings, the PS2 would show to be the worst console ever.

2. I'm well aware that Halo is owned by MS. I'm talking about a purely hypothetical situation.

3. Some, perhaps, but Manhunt 2 was a terrible game. The controls were just plain awful which made the game clunky and nearly unplayable. Point is, I'm not about to give a game a free pass just because it's on a console I prefer.

I love my Wii, but the fact that it suffers from a serious lack of great games so far is pretty clear.

A glance at PS2 ratings on metacritic reveals 63 titles with score between 90-100 and another 255 titles between 80 and 90. 

The PS2 has been around for roughly 7.5 years, so that means PS2 has had an average of:

8.4 titles each year that scored above 90 and

34 titles each year that scored between 80 and 90.

The Wii in comparison over the past 1.5 years has had 5 titles that scored above 90 and another 20 titles between 80 and 90.  To make it comparable to PS2 library quality, it needs to have had about 13 and 51 titles in these score ranges.  Even if you compare the early releases only, by 2001, PS2 had 14 titles above 90 and 45 titles between 80 and 90.  The Wii has far to go to catch up.

The PS2 got a lot of shovelware, but it also got a lot of great games.  The Wii seems to be getting the shovelware but not the great games.  I hope this changes and fast.


Good stats. I'll add that among those lower numbers for Wii, most of those are Nintendo games. We had a thread a few weeks back that showed that the Wii is getting a higher percentage of "shovelware" than the PS2 did, as well (I forget the exact percentage used to define shovelware, but obviously it was quite low).

Despite the Wii's success/install base and the PS3's struggles, the Wii has only 2 more third party million sellers than the PS3. The highest selling one has Mario in the title (Sonic at the Olympics), and another one was a million seller on PS2 (RE4). That's kind of telling if you ask me.

I think it is effin ridicules that we are getting shit games. I mean there are a ton of games that are only made for the ps360 and all we get is crap like dogz and crap like that. We have a control scheme that could make a great games. like a shooting games with the wii zapper. We can have sword fights and pretend we are using it as a weapon. The list goes on and on with different ways to use the Wiimote. All of the devs are just lazy asses and the surprising thing is all they do is make video games. So you mean to tell me that they can not make a game that goes on the ps360 to the Wii right. If they would at sales (any sale site like vgchartz) they will see Wiis are flying of the shelf. So if they make a decent games and utilize it with an already popular game they will make a million sales easy! Like Half life would sell like hotcakes if on the Wii. Look at deadly creature that is being made for the Wii. I can bet you over 1.5 million people will buy this game and it will show if you make a good game they will sell. That is why devs are complaining that we are bitching at they and they are like we know what you like dogz.


I say if they are going to exclude the Wii with good games and make shit, then they deserve to go bankrupt.

wii ware....and they shall make moneyies


alpha_dk said:
windbane said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
NJ5 said:

I wonder how the industry would be like without MS's/Sony's payments to third parties. Would they be able to develop the games they're developing, and survive?

A lot of companies making HD games are subsidized by those companies' pockets, of that I'm sure.



Yeah right.Those out of pocket purchases account for a minority of the 3rd party support,that the 360/PS3 receive.Third party developers choose the PS3/360 as their platforms of choice because it's the ideal platforms for their games and audience.Not knocking the wii,but a majority of the third party support will continue to go to the 360/PS3 regardless of how well the wii does.imo

I agree with this entirely.

Are either of you willing to take a bet about this?  Say, use of Avatar/sig for a while, or something else?

Terms of bet if either of you are willing:

  I say that the # of Third Party Wii games announced at E3 will be greater than PS3/360 combined (PS3/360 multiplats only get counted once, not twice) (any games that come to Wii in addition to one or both of the PS3/360 games can either not be added to any, or be added to both; it is a net null gain).  If either of you two are willing to take that bet, then please tell me what you would like to bet.


Who doesn't expect a lot of casual crap to be announced for the Wii?  If Ubisoft announced 13 games for the Wii and all except two are budget crap and has 7 games for the 360/PS3 but they're all quality games does that mean the Wii has won with that company when it comes to third party support?  That is what blue-ocelot is talking about when he mentions the majority of third party support .  For those who claim that quality is subjective, I agree. but it's pretty obvious what we're talking about when it comes to quality and ridiculous to pretend that it's difficult to tell the difference.

Topic is still going, :)
We've kinda strayed from the negatives of developer financial trouble, oh well...

flames_of - "I think you're confusing Bush with Chuck Norris."

 Wii: 80-85 Million end of 2009 (1.1.09)