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3rd party support is going to take a while no question. Firstly Nintendo's in-house developers had the most exposure to the various intracasies (sp?) of the Wii concept. I find many 3rd party developers absolutely struggling to get control concepts fluid. Also the haste to put a title out there I'm sure has dampened the quality of Wii games thus far.
Cost in software is an additional factor. Wii is obviously an economic platform an appeals to gamers who actually want to be able to afford games and stuff for their system and not just have it sit there and become a glorified DVD player, then get on the forums and bitch about how much they hate Nintendo fans. Ahem, at any rate, with an onslought of titles debuting for $20-$30 production costs will obviously be cut because they arent making as much per sale.
I think the greatest boost though in quality 3rd Party support will come from titles such as Guitar Hero World Tour. When a 3rd party can step in and demonstrate that the nay-sayers are wrong about the aledged limitations of the Wii and can make something fantastic on it a groundswell could be in the making. Also Nintendo is coming off of a big slump from the last generation. Many developers probably abandoned Nintendo after the Gamecube and now are probably considering throwing their hat back in the ring.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself