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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Call Of Duty 5: World At War.. Why in M$ thread?

First I would like to say watching this made me ponder on a few things. Firstly impressive graphics and I think a considerable step up from COD 4, especially in the character models. 2nd How do you make another WW2 shooter in a flooded market? Well make it a hell of alot more immersive. Thats been a major flaw even in Cod2 it just didnt feel like war more like a few of your men against a few of theirs. It never felt bigger than the level you were playing.


Most important 3rdly, Has anyone actually watched the entire trailer? It is he first COD 5 trailer and it only has Games for Windows and 360 as platforms it will be released on. Not once but twice it advertises this fact in this trailer. No PS3 version advertised not even on the screen where it advertises all consoles this game will be released on. This maybe a game M$ has snapped up for 360 as one of the 2 secret games........ E3 will tell.


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There is just so much wrong with this thread.

As in go buy us some coffee.

I doubt it

Gobias said:
There is just so much wrong with this thread.

I would love you to explain why? I didnt make the video, and why would the publisher not advertise all the consoles on the very first trailer? It's never been done as far as I know.



That is a bit odd...but I do doubt it won't be on the PS3

Former something....

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Call of Duty 5 Confirmed for All Platforms

"I envy you. You North Americans are very lucky. You are fighting the most important fight of all- you live in the heart of the beast." 

Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

HeroeDeLeyenda said:
Call of Duty 5 Confirmed for All Platforms

Let me reiterarte, you all are probably right. But this article is dated May 8 2008, M$ announced 2 secret games after that. And the trailer is dated Today June 21st. Alot can change in over a month. It is plausible what I state could be right, and the way M$ have been buying exclusive lately it wouldnt be out of place.



This Call of Duty is in WW2, so it is going to be boring anyway, i aint going to buy it unless it is the next revolution for FPS games

No, the trailer is still listed under PS360 PC in gametrailers. I think the fact that is only says M$ platforms is because the only other place to see it is the marketplace

Munkeh111 said:
No, the trailer is still listed under PS360 PC in gametrailers. I think the fact that is only says M$ platforms is because the only other place to see it is the marketplace
So why no PSN then?