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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Alone in the Dark 360 first impressions

I started playing Alone in the dark for 360 today around 8 pm...I stopped playing around 12am. And here I am to give you some feedback on the game...

In the 4 hours I've played it, I can honestly say that the game has earned a full recomendation from me to anyone looking for a good survival horror game that features some incredibly thrilling moments and has some really original gameplay ides.

Things I've liked:

- The game introduces and expands on a lot of ideas other games have established.

-Inventory system has endless posibilities (lighter fluid + bullets = fire bullets...Kickass!)

- Puzzles and static camera angles in situations give me the feel of Resident evil 1,2 and 3...which are some of my favourite games of all time.

-It merges presentation, story and gameplay extremely well.

-Jaw-dropping scenes showing buildings falling apart in manhatan and a car chase scene that has to be seen to be believed.

- Ability to go first person and third person at any time. First person works for combat, 3rd person works for puzzles.

- "Last time in alone in the dark!" the game and load a save, you'll know what I mean.

- Some pretty scary moments

- Continuing after continue right where you left off. No need to worry about checkpoints or saves.


Things I've disliked:

- Hand to hand combat sucks (you fight using the second analog stick and target on enemy using the left trigger)

- Health health bar or anything that idicates how injured you just die when hit too many times.

- Controls feels klunky in 3rd person mode...but first person feels good.

- Gameplay doesn't pause when you're going through your inventory system (its realisic but very fristrating when your flashlight runs out while being attacked in dark central park and you cant open inventory and mix batteries and flashlight without being attacked)


The great success of this game in my mind is how well it merges presentation and gameplay. Take metal gear solid will play the game, then the game will stop to show you something cool in a cutscene (like the Vamp vs Raiden fight)...then you'd continue playing and it would not look or play nearly as cool when gameplay continued.

In this game, cool shit is happening while you're playing and in control.

For example, on the beginning there is a scene where you're hanging form the ledge with the camera looking at you from the bottom while blocks of the building are starting to fall on you. As you dodge them (you have to move to dodge them), the camera spins around and shows you from the top angle instead and you see building blocks falling down and hitting a truck filled with gasoline. The truck explodes and launches several cars in the air which you have to dodge as well...

While I've not finished this game (far from it), I can say that this is a must buy for anyone that likes survival horror. Especially the people who liked Resident evil 1 2 and 3 on playstation 1 and wish those games would be brought to current consoles with better production.

I wouldn't give this game a AAA rating as there are some problems that are evident from the get go but survival horror fans are better off playing a game that is rated 8/10 and is survival horror than playing an RPG rated 10/10.

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Sounds good.

I might reconsider buying this game.For the PS3 of course.By then they should have fixed the little problems.

Nice read, might buy this game if there's nothing else to get.

Great write up mate.

Maybe I will give this a rent after all.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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it sounds good,i didnt know it was released

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I appreciate you putting this quick peak out their. I was on the fence, but love survival horror, and I am a huge fan of the RE 1,2 & 3. I think I will pick this one up. Thanks again.

To sum up my point above...

If you like survival horror games, don't wait for one to come out that gets a 10 rating, but play this its as good as survival horror games are going to get until Silent Hill 5 (possibly) and Resident Evil 5.

Just cause a game doesn't get a score in the 90's, it doesn't mean it isn't worth your time...if you like that type of game.

And if you are one of the few people that liked Resident Evil more before part 4...this is a must play game for you.

anyone know if there is a difference between this and the wii version,besides controls?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
it sounds good,i didnt know it was released


Its not. My roomate is a manager of Rogers Video and they got them in yesterday.