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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game series you used to enjoy, until their was a bad sequel

Gotta be Deus Ex - they took one of the most critically lauded games ever and managed to practically kill it with one of the most poorly judged attempts to mix a PC game with an Xbox release for the sequel.

Heck I almost never got into consoles at all I was so pissed with how the 'Box seemed responsible for ruining a sequel I was looking forward to more than any before or since.

That takes some serious effort beyond the usual killing of a franchise by milking it to death IMHO.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Command & Conquer - Loved the original, loved Red Alert & Aftermath, but downfill after that. Gave up after Tiberiun Sun.

Gran Turismo instantly pops into my mind, nothing has ever been as fast or as exciting as GT2.

Tony Hawk is a definite as well, that series died with THUG, I tried ever so hard to love THUG2 to no avail, THAW can go to hell, Project 8 I haven't even looked at and from the demo of Proving Ground, the series is completely dead to me. THPS2 & 4 FTW!


selnor said:
FF7 was great. after that it went downhill. As mentioned 9 saved it but its lowest point was FF12.(what a poor game). Concerned for 13.


I agree that FFXII sucks, but not for the combat system, wich was very good IMO. I hated that they took what was one of the best elements of the series and turned it into one of the most useless elements in XII, I'm talking about the summons, FFXII's espers, I never used them because they simply don't work on any attack strategy, also they drain the bar that also gives you the oportunity to make the game's best attacks.

Also I hated that you couldn't really set characters apart, you had the abilities chessboard with the same elements for every character, so everyone could have the same abilities, weapons and strenghts, and something I love about JRPGs is that you can have very different characters with different abilities, something that just wasn't on FFXII.

The other element about FFXII that I hated was the story, it was almost like a copy from Star Wars, if you don't believe me then send me a message and I'll explain because I won't spoil it, but from start to ending the game's story is a copy of Star Wars. There is no character development at all, I wanted to know about everyone (how Balthier and the bunny got together for example) but there was just no explanation. Vaan (the main character) is uninteresting, he has no backstory, he is not important to the story and it's never explained why he can see the prince's ghost, wich really bothered me...

Now some people are saying that after FF7 the series is getting worse, but I have to disagree, FF8 wasn't very good, but FF9 was, and FF10 was a total masterpiece, I can't believe some people forget about that game...

*bleu-ocelot* said:


I think alot of people who liked it,praise it because it was the first game to introduce them to JRPGs.Lets face it;the RPG genre was not really popular everywhere until FF7 came out.Many people don't even play any other RPG series besides Final Fantasy,leaving other low budget RPGs not in the mainstream out to dry.

 One thing I've tended to notice over the years is that people who played the SNES final fantasies tend to rate one of them (usually 6) higher than 7, where as you've mentioned, those that were introduced to FF on the Playstation tend to consider 7 the greatest. This was due to a combination of things including the game pushing technical limits at the time and being one of the more commercial jrpgs. Those that had played previous ones already had expectation of what made a great final fantasy, and fancy graphics and sound didn't make up for what they felt was lacking.


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Yeah the Tony Hawk series of course, even way before Skate came out.

windbane said:
Kasz216 said:
Aiemond said:
selnor said:
darthdevidem01 said:
FF7 faces the typical "we wanna be different n we hate the leading one" disease from people.

I mean imo it wasn't the best one but I never bash it as it WAS a spectacle in that day.


Agree 100%. FF7 was an amzing game. Only 360 fanboys would bash this game. Name another JRPG around it's time that was as good. Dont let fanboyism get in the way.




Suikoden 1 and 2. Suikoden 2.

I'd agree on those... Also Persona.  Persona 2.

Final Fantasy 7 was like one of the first RPGs on PS1. If outside of "around that time" and include games on other systems before and i could be here all day naming JRPGs i thought was better.

I could name a number of PS1 RPGs I thought were better too though i believe most of them came out later in the systems life.

If we count SRPGs.... yeesh.

Seriously. It's a sub par JRPG that got a lot of sweet marketing hype.


I love Suikoden 1 and 2, but they are no FF7. There's a reason it's so popular, and it's not just the awesome commercials and graphics...although those help (look at Gears of War).




The first two fantastic games have been ruined by horrible sequels. A lot of people laugh at me when I say that Turok: The Dinosaur Hunter is one of my favorite FPS games because they have only played the newer crappier ones. Bad sequels unfortunately attach a stigma to what would be looked at as a phenomenal piece of art. Look at the movie Halloween. A lot of people say that it sucks because they haven't seen the original and associate it with Michael Myers getting into a fight with Busta Rhymes.

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"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Final Fantasy because of XII. Whether I enjoy the mainseries from now on will depend on XIII.

Another would probably be Crash Bandicoot after Cortex Strikes back (no 2) and Tony Hawk after no. 3

fazz said:
Final Fantasy with VII... but IX saved it a bit :P


Same as Fazz

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)