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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Reaching the Visual Plateau - Which benefits the most: PC or Consoles?

I doubt visuals would ever plateau.

There is always more sophisticated graphics chipsets coming out every year.

They just get better and better.

I remember in the early 90s my brother said Street Fighter on SNES was arcade perfect. Then we had the PS with its upgraded graphics and sound capabilities then the N64, then the dreamcast, then the PS2, then the Xbox.


Get the drift

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For your PS.
Clearly you don't know the ending of this story.
Most of the third parties who stay away from the Wii will either be crippled(rendered niche) or killed off entirely.It happened once before but no one ever made the connection.I wonder if this time will be the same as well.Either way,I'll have many laughs throughout this decade.

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.

Bored4life said:
For your PS.
Clearly you don't know the ending of this story.
Most of the third parties who stay away from the Wii will either be crippled(rendered niche) or killed off entirely.It happened once before but no one ever made the connection.I wonder if this time will be the same as well.Either way,I'll have many laughs throughout this decade.


 How can any gamer laugh at videogame companies going out of business?

Photo realism will not happen for at least another twenty years. By that time the iPhone will be the most dominate computer on the planet.

This is my signature.

I am no saint.
Also,during ALL paradigm shifts, companies who go out of business are replaced with better ones.If a third party goes out of business fans who bitch and moan initially will end up jumping to the replacements and soon most even go on to declare that this new company was better than the last.It happens.Humans are bitches.

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.

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Ail said:
HappySqurriel said:

The entire business model of most console and PC hardware manufacturers, as well as the business model of most third party publishers is centered around the need for newer "better" graphics to sell their products ... Those that refuse to see the merit in a product like the Wii are rapidly going to go out of business because they can not see outside of the tiny mental-box they've trapped themself in.

Consoles have a major advantage because they can more easily switch everything up (new user interfaces, VR-Goggles, etc.) in order to continue growing the industry when processing power alone can not do it; by having a standard set-up for all users developers can more readily take advantage of the new-ness of a console and create something meaningfull.


 Actually I would doubt the fact that Sony or MSFT business is centered around the need to upgrade to better/newer consoles seeing how they sell hardware at a loss and only make profit on software.

It's in their interest that consoles lifetime increases so that they have to develop a new gen less often....

The only company that makes a profit our of selling consoles is Nintendo.. So weirdly once they have saturated the market in a few years, they will be the one that will benefit the most from switching to the next gen financially..


 PS : and please spare us the 'developers that don't start developing for the Wii are doom crap..' There's plenty of developers out there not doing it and doing pretty well right now...

I think both you and Legend11 completely missed the point ...

Its not about whether they do or do not develop for the Wii, its whether they see merit in the approach that Nintendo is taking with the Wii; it is well known that some developers who are producing games for the Wii don't (really) see the merit in it (like Ubisoft), and there are developers with limited exposure to the Wii who don't have much exposure to the Wii who see merit in the approach.

The fact of the matter is that a company like id software, that produces overly generic games that are graphically impressive, is at high risk after we've hit a graphical plateau because the only way they know how to improve games becomes meaningless ...


Anyways, I shouldn't be surprised by your lack of understanding; any time anyone mentions the Wii in any thread you completely ignore what they're saying and insult the poster simply because he doesn't subscribe to your (and many other) posters delusion that somehow every developer can thrive in a market where you have to produce a $40 to $100 Million game.


PS3 has the best graphics than any PC or console ever created. MGS 4 proves that PS3 is the best.

See ya after then ban Rock_on :p

I think it depends on one factor. Software. The PC needs a better OS, and it needs the games.

The huge advantage of a console, is ease of use. If you can put that in a PC, the PC will win.

You can only play games on a console (or watch a movie). A PC is a PC. If for the same price, people could get everything a PC has to offer, and play the same quality games, PC's will win.

The issues is that will never happen. Consoles are not where the money is at. The games are. So consoles will always be cheeper then PC's. (even if they some day become free).

Hmm... graphics now look like fuzzy toys. I think we are 25-30 years away from photo realiztic graphics. Theings still look jagged and blocky, not perfectly smooth. You can see some detail in peoples face aka scars, their nose ect, but it all looks quite fake. I don't see the point in photorealism though. For some games you could make big beautiful worlds, like in BK nuts and bolts... but do you want to be a able to realistically gouge a ladies eye out in GTA8?


They are made jsut for games, more or less and will have motion sensing. The pc will not have motion sensing, i think lol.

Consoles are connected to bigger displays but pc's are conected to higher resolution displays. What do you prefere.